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Latest Coronavirus: Deaths Worldwide Over 3000


The Nikkei Asian Review tracks the spread of the new coronavirus from Wuhan, a city in central China.

The Chinese National Health Commission raised the total number of cases on the continent to 80,026 by the end of Sunday, an increase of 202 from the previous day. The official death toll on the continent is 2,912.

To see how the disease spread, click here interactive virus tracker:

Here are the latest developments (Tokyo time):

Monday March 2

2:40 p.m. South Korea has reported four other deaths, bringing its overall death toll to 26.

1:30 p.m. Indonesia has confirmed its first cases of coronavirus, said President Joko Widodo. Two Indonesians tested positive and were hospitalized.

12:30 p.m. On March 5, Kazakhstan will ban Iranian nationals from entering the country due to the epidemic of rapidly spreading coronavirus.

11:30 a.m. Tokyo stocks rebounded after the Governor of the Bank of Japan reassured that the central bank would take the necessary steps to maintain market stability. After a weak start, the average benchmark Nikkei closed the morning session at 21,377 points, up 234 from the previous day's close.

11:00 South Korea has confirmed an additional 476 cases, bringing its total number to 4,212 with 22 deaths.

10:30 a.m. New York State has confirmed its first coronavirus infection. Governor Andrew Cuomo said the patient was a woman in her thirties who had contracted the virus during a trip to Iran. The patient is isolated at home, said Cuomo.

10:06 a.m. The Governor of the Bank of Japan, Haruhiko Kuroda, has pledged to participate in the fight against the economic effects of the epidemic. He said the central bank "will closely monitor developments and strive to stabilize the markets and provide sufficient liquidity through market operations and asset purchases". The main indicator of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was up 143.24 points shortly after the publication of the statement by Kuroda, contradicting the global trend.

9:17 a.m. Mainland China counted 202 new confirmed cases on Sunday, the country's national health commission said. The total number of confirmed cases in mainland China is 80,026. The death toll is 2,912, up 42 from Saturday. This has pushed the death toll worldwide to over 3,000.

9:09 a.m. The Nikkei Stock Average fell 293.17 points, or 1.4%, to 20,849.79 yen after the opening of trading on Monday. Investor sentiment is worsening due to the epidemic. The yen has hit 107 for the dollar.

4:56 a.m. Global corporate bond issues in January and February fell 6% year-on-year to $ 364 billion on Thursday as the new coronavirus wreaks havoc in business and sends investors fleeing to safe assets, according to Dealogic. The trend, particularly pronounced in Asia, contrasts sharply with 2019, where a favorable fundraising environment boosted offers to a record $ 2.5 trillion.

4 hrs The death toll in Iran from the new coronavirus has reached 54, with an infected number reaching 978, a spokesman for the Ministry of Health said on state television.

1 h 40 South Korean President Moon Jae-in urged Japan to work with his country to contain "the crisis", referring to the growing COVID19 epidemic in a speech commemorating the resistance to Japanese rule more of a century.

1 hr The death toll from coronaviruses in Italy has risen to 34, five more than a day earlier, officials said on Sunday. The cabinet is expected to approve measures worth 3.6 billion euros ($ 3.5 billion) to help businesses weather the epidemic, the minister said. ; Economy, Roberto Gualtieri. The head of the Italian Civil Protection Agency said the cumulative number of confirmed cases had risen to 1,694 from 1,128 on Saturday.

A display shows the latest information on the spread of the new coronavirus worldwide during a crisis meeting of government officials in Berlin on February 28.

© Reuters

Sunday March 1

9:13 p.m. The copper industry in China, hampered by the epidemic, has been forced to store large quantities of sulfuric acid, a by-product of the smelting process that is normally sold.

8:40 p.m. The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in Germany has increased from 117 to 117, said the Robert Koch Institute for Disease Control on Sunday.

6:42 p.m. Homework enthusiasts in Japan are creating demand for office furniture.

17:30. Japan and China plan to postpone Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to April at least until fall as nations fight growing epidemic, sources say .

5:10 p.m. South Korea has confirmed 586 new cases, bringing the total number of coronavirus infections in the country to 3,736. The nation also reported an 18th death.

1:31 p.m. Thailand has announced its first death from coronavirus, a 35-year-old man.

1:11 p.m. Armenia has reported its first coronavirus infection in a citizen returning from neighboring Iran.

10:46 a.m. Australia has confirmed its first death from coronavirus, a 78-year-old man who was aboard the unfortunate Diamond Princess.

8:22 a.m. The United States has raised its travel advisory to the regions of South Korea and Italy to its highest level, while increasing restrictions on travelers from Iran.

Saturday February 29

8:23 p.m. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said his government will provide grants to help working parents cope with school closures aimed at containing the epidemic.

7:49 p.m. After recording the largest daily jump in infections – 813 new cases brought the total to 3,150 – South Korea urged citizens to stay inside and warned of a " critical moment "in the national battle against the virus. South Korea is struggling with the largest epidemic outside of China, killing 17 people.

A veterinarian scans a microchip in a tiger at the Sriracha Tiger Zoo in Chonburi Province, Thailand, in October 2016.

© Reuters

3:10 p.m. Chinese President Xi Jingping issued a directive banning wildlife smuggling, giving Thai investigators who have been fighting the illegal trade for decades a shot. Thailand is a key node for traffickers looking to move their catches from the forests of Africa to Chinese markets.

11:13 a.m. China's official purchasing managers' index fell to a record low of 35.7 in February from 50.0 in January, said the National Bureau of Statistics, well below the bar of 50 points between monthly growth and contraction.

10:20 a.m. South Korea has confirmed 594 new cases, bringing the country's total number of coronavirus infections to 2,931.

9:40 a.m. Mainland China counted 427 new confirmed cases on Friday, the country's national health commission said. The total number of confirmed cases in mainland China is 79,251. The death toll is 2,835, up 47 from Thursday.

To catch up on previous developments, check out the latest updates from last week.

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