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Trump returns to Oval Office, declares himself cured of coronavirus


Despite testing positive for the coronavirus less than a week ago, President Donald Trump returned to the Oval Office on Wednesday afternoon and posted a video in which he declared himself cured from the cocktail drug antibody that had been administered to him.

“For me it wasn’t therapy. It just made me better. I call it a cure,” Trump said in a five-minute video he tweeted of himself standing in front of the oval. The video showed Trump, his skin looking darker than when he was in the hospital, speaking quickly and his voice nervous.

Trump, for the first time since his diagnosis was made public, appeared to take note that the care he received was different from the care received by the general public.

“I walked in, I wasn’t feeling well. In no time 24 hours later, I was feeling good. I wanted to get out of the hospital. And that’s what I want for everyone. I want everyone to receive the same treatment as you. president, because I feel good, ”Trump said, calling his experience a“ blessing from God ”and saying he chose the cocktail of drugs he was treated with. “It was my suggestion,” he says.

“If you’re in the hospital and you’re feeling really bad, I think we’re going to work on getting them, you’re going to get them for free. And especially if you’re a senior, we’re going to get you there quickly. . We have hundreds of thousands of doses that are just about ready, ”he said, before dropping the“ I think ”qualifier later in the video.

“I want to bring you what I have, and I will make it free,” he said, adding: “We will get him into the hospital as soon as possible, as soon as possible” with “military” managing distribution. He ended the message by saying “Good luck”.

Asked about Trump’s’ blessing ‘comment, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said:’ I think it’s a tragedy that the president is dealing with Covid like it’s something not right worry while 210,000 people have already died. I think this is a travesty. “

A source told NBC News it was impossible to know if it was the Regenerons antibody cocktail or the combination of all the drugs Trump was treated with that made the president feel as good as he did. says so.

Regeneron has announced that it will soon have 50,000 doses of the cocktail and 300,000 doses available in the coming months.

A senior administration official said Trump visited the Oval Office for a briefing on Hurricane Delta and the stimulus talks. White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and social media director Dan Scavino were the only staff with him in the Oval, the official said.

Meadows later told reporters that he and Scavino were both wearing full personal protective equipment in the Oval.

“I just received a briefing on Hurricane Delta and spoke with @GovAbbott of Texas and @LouisianaGov John Bel Edwards. Please heed the instructions from your state and local authorities. We are working closely with them, be prepared, be careful and be careful! ”Trump tweeted after the meeting.

His presence in the office was evidenced by the sight of a Marine Guard standing outside. The guard was not wearing a mask.

The trip was surprising for several reasons Trump was undergoing treatment for Covid-19, and officials said he was not diagnosed until late last Thursday. This means he’s still considered contagious according to his administration’s own guidelines.

The Oval Office is across from the White House residence, where Trump has been located since his release from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Monday, meaning the contagious president walked across the property to get there, but didn’t did not enter the west wing other than through the office. exterior doors.

It was not necessary for the president to make the trip since the east wing, where the residence is located, has an office.

Meadows said earlier Wednesday that Trump wanted to go to the Ring yesterday. If he decides to go to the Oval, we have security protocols. He did not describe what these protocols are.

The White House was hit hard by the virus last week, as senior aides Hope Hicks and Stephen Miller tested positive for the coronavirus, as did press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, many members of the press office and of White House staff.

Prior to the video, the president had not been seen publicly since Monday night when he returned from the hospital to the White House, and Trump’s doctors have been cautious about revealing details of his condition.

White House doctor Dr Sean Conley wrote in a note released by the White House Wednesday morning quoting Trump as saying, “I feel great!”

His physical exam and vital signs, including oxygen saturation and respiratory rate, all remain stable and normal. He has now been fever-free for over 4 days, symptom-free for over 24 hours, and has not needed or received supplemental oxygen since the initial hospitalization, Conley wrote.

The White House did not go public with Trumps’ latest negative test before announcing that he tested positive for the virus late last week. Doctors also did not reveal the details of his lung scans and did not say if he was still on the Dexamethasone steroid treatment.

On Monday, Conley said medics wouldn’t know if Trump was “out of the woods” until this weekend.

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