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Xi Jinping Visits Reopened City While Another Locked Out


Chinese dictator Xi Jinping paid a long-awaited visit to northern Shaanxi province on Wednesday, apparently to observe the recovery of economic and social order in his capital, Xian.

As Xi visited factories and schools in Xian, another city in the north by the name of Harbin entered into the coronavirus shutdown, more than two weeks after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) claimed to have effectively eradicated the Wuhan coronavirus. .

Chinese state media popular Xis Victory Tour with photos of Xian returning to completely normal operation. Everyone wore a big smile, including Xi.

Xi visited Jiaotong University, whose professors deeply moved him with a letter of political support two years ago, meet various store and restaurant owners in their recently reopened businesses, and inspected local poverty alleviation work in Shaanxi Province.

Meanwhile, in another northern province called Heilongjiang, the city of Harbin, with a population comparable to New York, was plunging back into the confinement of coronaviruses.

Chinese officials blame the city’s coronavirus outbreak against a 22-year-old graduate student who returned home to Harbin in March after a trip to New York. According to official history, the student underwent a quarantine of two weeks, showed no symptoms, was tested negative for Wuhan coronavirus and passed an antibody test which should have revealed any previous infection, but was still silently carrying the coronavirus.

The student reportedly passed the coronavirus to an elderly man who has been treated as a zero patient in the Harbin outbreak so far. The old man became a super spreader at a social event, causing at least 78 cases of coronavirus, including medical workers who treated others who caught him.

Displacement in Harbins residential areas was bannedand 28 quarantine days were imposed on foreign visitors, in accordance with the CCP story that all coronavirus infections in China are now imported from other countries, especially the United States, Russia and African countries. Foreign visitors were effectively banned from China, which in the past was bitterly opposed to other countries taking such measures to control the spread of the coronavirus, so that the new imported cases would have been introduced by Chinese nationals returning from visits to other countries.

According to Harbin officials, several thousand people have been tested for the coronavirus, and about 400 are currently under quarantine. Several other cities in the region have also imposed travel restrictions, with at least one reported infection caused by a trip to Harbin.

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