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Ohio State, Michigan spring football games will air on FOX in April

Ohio State, Michigan spring football games will air on FOX in April


Spring college football is coming to FOX.

Both Ohio State and Michigan spring football games will be broadcast live on FOX in April, FOX Sports announced Monday.

“I can't wait for that,” said Joel Klatt, who will be on hand for both games, as he announced the news of the latest edition of “The Joel Klatt Show.” “It's going to be a big April with the NFL Draft, the start of the UFL and these big programs [having] their spring games on big FOX.”

Ohio State's spring game is scheduled first. The Buckeyes will hold their spring game on April 13 at noon ET. Michigan will hold its spring game exactly one week later, starting at the same time on April 20.

The iconic programs and long-standing rivals enter the 2024 season at crucial points. The 2024 season could be Ryan Day's most pivotal season as Ohio State's head coach. The Buckeyes have lost to the Wolverines in each of the past three seasons, after winning the previous eight battles.

While Marvin Harrison Jr. is no longer in Columbus, Ohio State is returning some of its top contributors from 2023. Star receiver Emeka Egbuka leads the group of Ohio State standouts who advanced to the NFL Draft to help the Buckeyes earn their first national victory. title since 2014.

Ohio State also made some notable additions in the transfer portal, adding former Kansas State quarterback Will Howard, Ole Miss running back Quinshon Judkins and Alabama safety Caleb Downs. Day has not yet named a starting quarterback, but Howard is expected to replace Kyle McCord, who transferred to Syracuse. Judkins was one of the best running backs in college football the past two seasons, earning first-team All-SEC honors both years and being named SEC Freshman of the Year in 2022. Downs totaled 107 tackles and two interceptions last season and was named SEC Freshman of the Year.

Chip Kelly also joined the Ohio State coaching staff as offensive coordinator and left his position as head coach of UCLA to take the job.

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Meanwhile, Michigan will usher in a new era when it takes the field for its spring game at The Big House. Sherrone Moore will participate in his first spring game as Michigan's head coach after Jim Harbaugh left for the NFL in January following Michigan's run to a national title.

Harbaugh isn't the only key player from last year's title team who is no longer part of the program. JJ McCarthy, Blake Corum, Mike Sainristil and several others left Ann Arbor as the Wolverines could set the record for most players drafted a year later this spring.

The spring game will have a hand in helping Moore choose who will replace the aforementioned players. Jack Tuttle and Alex Orji are the presumptive favorites in the quarterback competition, as both backed McCarthy last season. Jayden Denegal, Davis Warren and Jadyn Davis are also in the mix at quarterback for Michigan.

Michigan will also have a handful of standouts returning in 2024. Running back Donovan Edwards, who rushed for two touchdowns in the national title game, and tight end Colston Loveland, who was second on the team in receiving yards (649) and touchdown receptions (four), led the way on offense , while defensive tackles Mason Graham, who was named defensive MVP of the Rose Bowl, and cornerback Will Johnson, who won defensive MVP of the national title game, headline the returning players on defense.

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