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Fans show strong performance at Elite Eight

Fans show strong performance at Elite Eight


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The UNG men's basketball team has strong support for the March 26 NCAA Division II Elite Eight game against West Texas A&M.

EVANSVILLE, Ind. – The University of North Georgia (UNG) men's basketball team felt the love from its fans ahead of the NCAA Division II national quarterfinal on March 26 against West Texas A&M. Nearly 100 fans sent the team from the team hotel to the Ford Center.

“We are so grateful to President Michael Shannon and the UNG administration for supporting our men's basketball program in this way,” said Director of Athletics. Mary Rob Plunkett said. “They put a lot of effort into our student-athletes, and we are so proud of the way head coach Dan Evans and his program are feeding off that support and making history with every game.”

Ralston and Carol Charles couldn't help but get a little emotional about the outpouring of support as they were in Evansville, Indiana to cheer on their son, a sophomore guard. Cayden Charlesand his teammates.

“It was a great family experience. He's the baby in our family, so it was kind of hard to let him go, to be honest,” Carol Charles said. “But the way they have embraced him is amazing.”

Marcus and Kyani Arnold made the trek from Huntsville, Alabama, to support their college freshman son Jamari Arnold, who is redshirting. His four younger brothers were also in Evansville.

“With all the support that UNG has given us, we came out to support them. We went out and brought the whole family with us,” Marcus Arnold said. “We love it. We've bonded with every parent here, every coach here and every player here. We're already a close group and you see the support that goes out for them wherever they are. We think it's great. They all look out for each other.”

Marcus and Kyani Arnold and four of their sons came to support their son Ja'mari Arnold and his teammates.

Knox Miller, a senior from Thomaston, Georgia, pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration in management, was one of a few Blue Crew student section members who made the drive up together on the day of the competition.

“It was definitely a long ride, but we were really excited about it,” Miller said. “It was quite improvised, but we knew this was our biggest opportunity to come and do something like this to support UNG.”

Some members of the Blue Crew student section headed to Evansville, Indiana, for the Elite Eight.

Cheerleaders hit the road to support Nighthawks

Cheerleaders hit the road to support Nighthawks

The UNG cheerleaders and Nigel, the school's mascot, have arrived in Evansville, Indiana, to support the men's basketball team in the NCAA Division II championship.

UNG is dancing to the NCAA championship

UNG is dancing to the NCAA championship

The UNG men's basketball team will face West Texas A&M in the NCAA Division II national quarterfinals on March 26 at 9:30 p.m. UNG will host a watch party in the Chow Dining Hall at 9 p.m., and the first 300 students will receive free T-shirts.

UNG reaches the NCAA regional championship

UNG reaches the NCAA regional championship

The UNG men's basketball team will take on Lander University in the NCAA Southeast Regional championship game on March 19, with a spot in the eight-team NCAA Division II championship on the line.

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