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Wolmers wins ISSA U-19 table tennis titles for girls and boys

Wolmers wins ISSA U-19 table tennis titles for girls and boys


Maroon and gold were the dominant colors at the Campion College Auditorium on Tuesday as Wolmers claimed both the ISSA girls and boys under-19 table tennis titles.

In the girls' final, the Heroes Circle-based school won a closely fought final 3-2 against St. Jago High, while in the boys' final they defeated Kingston College by a similar scoreline.

In the girls final, a Wolmers team with three national players, namely 2023 national champion Tsenaye Lewis, her older sister Gianna Lewis and Liana Campbell, faced a St. Jago team, including two of their own national players, Kelsey Davidson and Keara Whyte, who was second to Lewis at last year's JTTA National Championships.

The tie started when Tsenaye Lewis defeated Kelsey Davidson three sets to one (11-9, 6-11, 11-4, 11-7), giving the Wolmerians a 1-0 lead.

Keara Whyte then made it 1-1 with three sets to one victory over Gianna Lewis (11-6, 11-2, 6-11, 11-6).

Wolmers then restored their lead when Liana Campbell defeated Leanna Smith three sets to one (6-11, 11-8, 11-8, 11-8).

In what was perhaps the most anticipated matchup, Tsenaye and Keara White had a rematch of the 2023 National Championship final, with Lewis getting the chance to clinch the title ahead of Wolmers.

Whyte had the best possible start, winning the first two sets (11-9, 11-9) before Lewis came roaring back in the third set to win 11-6. The fourth set was then a back-and-forth affair, with Whyte eventually winning 14-12 to set up the title-deciding match between Gianna Lewis and Kelsey Davidson.

In the decider, Lewis won the first two sets (11-2, 11-6) before Davidson got on the board in the third (11-9) before Lewis won the fourth (11-9) to secure the title for Wolmers .

For Lewis (Gianna) and Campbell, this title meant much more as they are both outgoing seniors.

I am overjoyed that I can take home this title. My team and I have worked hard and we have made it our goal to ensure that we take home the gold again this year as our last hurray, Lewis told

My sister Tsenaye, Liana and I realized that this day would come when the more experienced players will leave Wolmers, so we prioritized training and motivating the next generation of players, she added.

Campbell described the win as an incredible and bittersweet feeling.

It is such a satisfying and joyful feeling to end my past year victoriously. Sharing that with the team creates another beautiful memory that I look back on along the way. I also feel a little sad because I will never be able to play another ISSA event and represent my school with my lovely teammates. I will especially miss the titular bis rides to competitions where it was all smiles and laughter. she added.

In the boys' final, Wolmers took a 1-0 lead over Kingston College thanks to Joel Lamm's three sets and one win over Javier Levene (11-3, 6-11, 11-1, 11-2).

KC leveled again when Gemarco Smith won a five-setter (16-14, 11-3, 4-11, 8-11, 11-9) against Wolmers captain Azizi Johnson.

Dominic Robinson then gave the North Street institution a 2-1 lead with a straight set (11-2, 11-6, 12-10) win over Maleek Palma.

Wolmers made it 2-2 when Jayden Ebanks defeated Alden Howard (10-12, 11-6, 11-6, 11-9) before Jelani Barnaby secured the title for Wolmers with a straight set win (11-9, 11 -2). , 11-6) over KC captain Chadwick Duff.

This is the third time that we have become champions for the girls. Originally it was U-16 but the girls moved up to U-19 and we were also the All Island champions so hopefully we can repeat that, said winning coach Clive Grossett.

With the boys they also won in the U-16 and now they have also risen. We are also coming there now for the all-island championship, he added.

Immaculate Conception High defeated Jonathan Grant 3-0 to win the girls' U-16 title, while Jamaica College defeated Kingston College 3-0 to win the boys' equivalent.

The all-island matchups will be completed after the ISSA Rural Area semi-finals and finals, scheduled for Friday at GC Foster College.




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