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India's progress in women empowerment: An unfinished journey

India's progress in women empowerment: An unfinished journey


Women are in a better place than they were a few years ago, but there is still a long way to achieve gender equality in the country, leading women in sports said at a seminar in Hyderabad.

Women's safety remains a critical limiting factor, making parents fearful of letting their daughters play, says Neha Agarwal Sharma, former Olympian and table tennis champion.

Ms Neha recalls her journey from consciously wearing shorts for a competition at her school to becoming the only female table tennis player to represent India at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Reflecting on her personal journey in a panel discussion organized by Young FICCI Ladies Organization (YFLO) on T-Hub on Wednesday, she attributed her success to her father's unconventional and progressive views on her future as a sportswoman and the right support from her coach .

Equally inspiring was the story of Maral Yazarloo-Pattrick, an Iranian motorcyclist and fashion designer, who defied societal norms by embarking on a solo world motorcycle tour across 64 countries, even while pregnant. Despite coming from a country where women were not granted driver's licenses, Ms. Maral challenged convention and pursued her passion.

However, she admitted that she was afraid to venture into the unknown, knowing that she was not promised safety. Citing the gang rape of a Spanish biker in Jharkhand earlier this year, she expressed concern over the callous attitude towards women's safety in the country.

While people all over the world sympathized in this case and offered virtual support to the survivor, there are many other cases in rural parts of the country that go unnoticed every day. The need is to address each of these cases seriously and create a supportive and conducive ecosystem for women to excel, she said.

Michelle Kakade, a veteran desert marathoner who became the only Indian to join the Elite 4 Deserts Club, emphasized the role of mothers in promoting gender equality from an early age. Kakade ran the 6,000km Golden Quadrilateral at the age of 45 and believes age is no barrier.

The panelists collectively called for a shift in societal perspectives and urged broader recognition of women's roles beyond the traditional sphere of home and family. They emphasized the need for systemic changes to achieve true gender equality in India.




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