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Georgia live football updates for GDay

Georgia live football updates for GDay


Georgia hosts its annual spring scrimmage game this weekend at Sanford Stadium. The Bulldogs are poised to enter the 2024 college football season after coming into college just shy of a playoff appearance last year. Despite losing 11 players to the NFL draft this season, the Bulldogs still return a large portion of their starters.

Georgia's spring game will feature the early enrollees from the 2024 recruiting class and some of the transfer portal moves they made over the winter. The Bulldogs signed a total of eight players from the transfer portal and 28 players during last year's recruiting cycle, which finished as the best class in college football. Many new faces that fans can see for the first time on Saturday.

GDay Live Updates:

1st quarter:

  • (15:00) The red team is the first to attack and takes a first deficit on third and short thanks to Roderick Robinson. Beck then finds Dillon Bell a few plays later for quite a few yards to move the ball past the 50-yard line. Trevor Etienne then finds his way into the passing game to keep the sticks moving, but the red team has to settle for three. Peyton Woodring's kick is GOOD. (Red 3, Black 0)
  • (8:18) The Black team attack takes over at the 25. First player Gunner Stockton connects with Anthony Evans on a deep ball to get the ball to the opponent's 21 yard line. Andrew Paul takes a carry to the 1-yard line and punches it into himself on the next play. PAT is GOOD (Red 3, Black 7)
  • (6:14) Beck and the red team take over at the 25 yard line. A short run by Robinson and an incompletion by Delp on second set up third, before Beck Lovett misses on a pass down the right side of the field. Team Red is forced to kick. (Red 3, Black 7)
  • (3:42) Stockton finds Reddell for a short gain on second, but KJ Bolden makes a nice tackle on third and comes up short to force the punt. (Red 3, Black 7)
  • (1:25) Beck connects with Rara Thomas on the Red Team's first play of the drive for a four-yard gain. Etienne then goes wild on the next action for a big win, but is called back due to a hold call. Beck then connects with Lovett over the middle of the field for third and fifth. End of the quarter.

2nd quarter:

  • (15:00) The red team gets the defense to jump on third and fifth to keep the sticks moving. Etienne goes wild again for a big gain and takes him towards the middle of the field. Beck connects with Delp over the middle of the field a few plays later and takes the ball to the 40-yard line. Right after Beck connects with Lovett, bringing the offense inside the 10-yard line. After a botched fade ball at the goal line and a short pickup by Roderick Robinson, Beck throws an interception of a tipped pass at the line of scrimmage. The black team takes over. (Red 3, Black 7)
  • (9:37) Stockton and the black team take control deep in their own territory after the interception by Mykel Williams. However, they can't get anything going as the red team forces a three and out to get the ball right back.
  • (7:34) Beck fails to connect with Delp on first and a holding call on second puts the Red team behind schedule, but a nice throw from Beck and a catch from Colbie Young keep the sticks in motion. The next play, Beck finds Lawson Luckie over the middle for another big gain. Two plays later, it is Rara Thomas who finds space and picks up a first down. Beck and Lovett then reconnect to reach the two-yard line. A nice shoulder ball is then caught by Colbie Young for the touchdown. (Red 10, Black 7)
  • (2:22) Stockton and the Black team return for another series before halftime and immediately begin moving the ball down the field. However, the momentum is halted after the offense stalls on 4th down at the opponent's 48 yard line. The offense chooses to go for it, but doesn't change as Stockton's pass was tipped on the line.
  • (1:18) Beck comes back out and uses his legs on the first play for a decent gain. Another pass is then broken up at the line of scrimmage, but a flag is thrown for offside on the defense. Beck's next pass is then intercepted by CJ Allen.
  • (0:57) Stockton and the Black team offense get back into striking territory. A couple of nice completions for Stockton move the ball down the field. After a short completion to get true freshman Chauncey Bowens out of the backfield, the Black team sends out the field goal unit. KICK IS GOOD. (Red 10, Black 10) Rest.

Third quarter:

  • (3:00 PM) Stockton and the Black team offense come out to start the second half. The Red Team defense stops the run on first down and then sacks Stockton on the next play to bring up third down on third down. Stockton and Sacovie White fail to connect and the black team brings out the punt team.
  • (12:20) Beck and the offense come back and Etienne picks up a few on the first play. Beck fails to connect with Etienne and then another ball is tipped to the line of scrimmage to force the punt.
  • (10:20) Colin Drake trots off with the black team attack for the next drive. On third down, he tried to make a deep shot, but the receiver couldn't quite get it in. The punt team returns for the black team and the red team's attack is active again.
  • (8:30) Stockton gets a turn with the read team offense and finds R. Robinson on the first play who makes a few miss for a gain of eight. Lovett then gets a hand free in the backfield, but the black team does well to cover it and get to third. Robinson takes the hand off and gets the first down. Immediately afterwards it was Andrew Paul's turn to grab a bag and break it open for a big gain to move the ball into enemy territory. Stockton tries to find Rara Thomas for a big win but can't quite get it. Punt to comes out for the red team. (Red 10, Black 10)
  • (2:51) Stockton jumps back into the next drive with the black team attack. Third place comes after a short run and short reception by Reddell. Stockton then tries to connect with Michael Jackson, but the pass is incomplete. Point team plays for the black team.
  • (0:46) Beck comes out with the red team and Robinson gets stuffed first. Beck is able to find Arian Smith over the middle of the field for a first down. (END OF THIRD)

Fourth quarter:

  • (15:00) Beck and the red team return to the field with another set of downs. Beck tries to find Young, but Dan Jackson breaks up. Robinson then pushes the stack forward for a decent gain on second to make the stack third and manageable. Beck then looks Young's way again and this time he reels it in for another nice gain to get the first down. A few more nice completions from Beck push the ball further down the field and on third down Etienne is able to break the lead but falls just short of the first down maker. On fourth and one, though, Robinson keeps the sticks moving. After a stoppage of play and a short pass to Lawson Luckie, the Red was once again looking down on third down and Beck is unable to connect with Young in the back corner of the end zone, giving him fourth down and the field goal unit. KICK IS GOOD (Red 13, Black 10)
  • (6:54) Stockton returns with the black team. Stockton immediately connects with true freshman Nitro Tuggle for a huge gain all the way to the opponent's 38-yard line. Stockton then throws a TOUCHDOWN to Sacovie White from about 20 yards out. PAT is GOOD. (Red 13, Black 17)
  • (4:59) Beck is back with the red team and connects with Andrew Paul on the first play of the drive for a short gain. Terrell Foster breaks up a pass on the next play and the ball from Beck to Anthony Evans is just slightly back over the middle on the next play. Red kicks the ball away.
  • (3:00) Stockton comes back with the offense and picks up a first down on the third medium with a pass to Cole Speer. A sack on third down just a few plays later from Joseph Jonah-Ajonye forces a punt from the Black team.
  • (2:18) Beck and the red team offense come back again and fail to connect with Lovett on the first play. Immediately afterwards he dumps it to Etienne for a nice gain, leaving him third and short. The Black team defensive line breaks up a pass on fourth down and nearly intercepts to force the turnover on downs.
  • (1:26) On the first play, Michael Jackson III breaks loose for a big gain, taking the ball all the way to the five-yard line. On third and goal, Stockton tries to find Colton Heinrich in the end zone, but Jake Pope breaks up the pass. The field goal unit comes out and the KICK IS GOOD. (Red, 13, Black 20)
  • (0:51) Beck comes back and delivers a strike to Lovett for a big gain in midfield. Immediately afterwards he makes a perfect pass down the sideline to Rara Thomas, which results in another big gain, putting them in scoring position. Lovett then pins the ball on a defender's back to set up Beck's touchdown pass. (Red 20, Black 20)
  • (0:27) Stockton and the black defense return for another series. Stockton finds Micahel Jackson III for a decent gain with 16 seconds left in the ball game to take it to the 40-yard line. On third and short, Stockton throws a near-perfect deep ball to Sacovie White, but he can't land it. The field goal unit comes out and the KICK IS NOT GOOD. (Red 20, Black 20 FINAL)

Watch Georgia Spring Scrimmage (G-Day).

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