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Lady Lion's decision to end the battle on the Bayou

Lady Lion's decision to end the battle on the Bayou


BATON ROUGE, La. The Southeastern Louisiana University beach volleyball team finished day two Saturday afternoon at 1-1 in the Battle on the Bayou to close out the weekend.

Southeastern (12-17, 4-4 SLC) started the day Saturday morning with a 4-1 victory over conference rival New Orleans (11-20, 3-8 SLC) at LSU Beach Volleyball Stadium. The Lady Lions earned their first win of the tournament as pairs three and four claimed a two-set win, helping the team snap a two-match losing streak.

SLU ended day two with a 5-0 loss to No. 9 LSU (20-9). Reigning Couple of the Week Andrea da Silva And Rachel Hartmann struggled to get a spark for the Lady Lions, but was able to force the match into three sets. Southeastern suffered its second sweep of the weekend against its third opponent this season.

Saturday's results:

Match 1: Southeast 4, New Orleans 1
SLU A Winner To score
1 Andrea da Silva/Rachel Hartmann Maria Ozaeta/Bria Garmon A 13-21, 24-26
2 Alexis Logarbo/Mia McKinney Valerie Vujnovich/Hannah Volpi SLU 21-12, 11-21, 15-13
3 Isabella Lockwood/Maddie Shepston Nikelle Lander/Ivana de Carvalho SLU 23-21, 21-16
4 Makayla Hicks/Erin Angel Rita Zecchin/Stephanie González SLU 21-15, 22-20
5 Emmaleigh Vincent/Mia Sauers Anne Marie Hardouin/Serena Baumgart SLU 21-17, 16-21, 15-12
Match 2: LSU 5, Southeast 0
SLU LSU Winner To score
1 Andrea da Silva/Rachel Hartmann Gabi Bailey/Ellie Shank LSU 21-13, 23-21
2 Alexis Logarbo/Mia McKinney Parker Bracken/Reilly Allred LSU 22-20, 21-11
3 Isabella Lockwood/Maddie Shepston Aubrey O'Gorman/Ella Larkin LSU 21-14, 21-12
4 Makayla Hicks/Erin Angel Amber Haynes/Skylar Martin LSU 21-6, 21-8
5 Mia Sauers/Emmaleigh Vincent Emily Meyer/Yali Ahush LSU 24-22, 21-13

Southeastern will return to action on Thursday to compete in the Southland Conference Beach Volleyball Championship Tournament in Houston, Texas. All games from April 18 to 21 will be played at Third Coast.


Fans interested in becoming active supporters of the Southeastern volleyball program are encouraged to join the Diggin' It Club. Lion volleyball alumni are encouraged to join the exclusive S Club, which is limited to athletics letter winners from the Southeast.

All membership dues and donations to both the Diggin' It Club and the S Club (volleyball) are available for the exclusive use of the Southeastern volleyball program. Membership information is available by contacting the Lion Athletics Association [email protected] (985) 549-5091 or by


For more information about Lady Lions Volleyball, follow @LionUpBeach or @JWhiteSLU on Twitter, @LionUpBeach on Instagram, like /SLUathletics on Facebook and subscribe to the SLUathletics YouTube channel.

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