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PM Modi – Kashmir Reader

PM Modi – Kashmir Reader


LATUR: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said the Indian government's approach to combating terrorism has seen a sea change from what was followed during the Congress regime.
“During the Congress regime, news headlines showed India handing over another dossier on terrorist activities to Pakistan.
Some of our friends in the media were clapping after sending such a dossier,” Modi said at an election rally in Maharashtra's Latur.
“Today, India no longer sends files. Today, India is killing terrorists on its own turf,” Modi said.
Modi also claimed that the INDIA bloc had come up with a “formula” under which the opposition alliance parties would each get the prime minister's post for a year if they came to power.
With such a system, one cannot hope for the good of the country, Modi said. Some people want to do the PM in several installments. They decided to have a prime minister every year,” he said.
Targeting Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, Modi said, “When I talk about 'EK Bharat Shreshtha Bharat', the Congress prince suffers from fever.”
Addressing a mega public meeting at Madha in Maharashtra's Solapur Lok Sabha constituency, PM Modi addressed the Congress saying, “The country has given Congress a chance to rule the country for 60 years. Over these six decades, many countries have made rapid transitions to development and prosperity, while we have lagged behind on several fronts. Congress couldn't even provide water for our farmers to irrigate their fields. When I took office in 2014, about 100 irrigation projects had been stuck in red tape for decades. Among them, 26 projects concerned Maharashtra. Imagine how Congress has betrayed Maharashtra.
Also attacking NCP (SCP) chief Sharad Pawar for his tenure as Union Agriculture Minister under the Congress-led UPA at the Center (2004-2014), PM Modi said declared that the fair and remunerative price (FRP) of sugarcane had increased under his tenure. mandate.
When the remote-controlled government (a dig at the Congress-led UPA government led by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh) was in power 10 years ago, a powerful leader from Maharashtra (Sharad Pawar) was the agriculture minister. When powerful leaders here ruled from Delhi, the FRP of sugarcane was around Rs 200 per quintal and today, under Modis' tenure, the FRP has gone up to Rs 350 per quintal, he said. -he declares.
Earlier, in February, the central cabinet had approved the fair and remunerative price (FRP) of sugarcane payable by sugar mills for the 2024-25 season (October-September). With this approval, sugar mills now have to pay FRP of Rs 340/quintal to sugarcane growers on recovery of 10.25 per cent.
PM Modi alleged that the previous Congress governments in Maharashtra had looted funds allocated by the Center to farmers in the state.
In previous years, the Congress (governments) gobbled up the little funds allocated by the central government to the farmers here. However, it is now your son who is sitting in Delhi. We will ensure that every penny from Delhi goes directly to your account, PM Modi said.
Highlighting the role to be played in building a Viksit Bharat (developed India), Prime Minister Modi said, “Your Modi has left no stone unturned to empower women. Thousands of women have joined self-help groups over the past 10 years. Women are increasingly contributing to the continued development of villages. We have created 1 crore women Lakhpati Didis. The country will soon have 3 crore Lakhpati Didis and that is my guarantee! he said.





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