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Stormy Daniels' lawyer, a fine and a warning: Key points from the Trump trial, day nine | Donald Trump trial

Stormy Daniels' lawyer, a fine and a warning: Key points from the Trump trial, day nine |  Donald Trump trial


Donald Trump was confronted with the details of how the former lawyer for Stormy Daniels, the adult film actor, obtained the $130,000 in hush money at the heart of his New York criminal trial, after he was convicted of criminal contempt of a silence order. prohibit attacks on witnesses.

Direct examination of attorney Keith Davidson is expected to continue Thursday when the trial resumes. Here are the key takeaways from day nine of the clash between New York state residents and Donald J. Trump:

1. Access to Hollywood recordings spurred Trump's interest

Prosecutors obtained key testimony from Keith Davidson, the entertainment lawyer for Stormy Daniels and Playboy model Karen McDougal, that the infamous Access Hollywood tape prompted Trump to assert catch-and-kill rights on Daniels' history of an alleged affair with Trump.

Davidson testified that before the tape was released, there was little interest in acquiring the rights to the story. Only afterward did interest from Trump lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen intensify, Davidson said.

The exchange was notable as prosecutors laid the groundwork for their allegation that Trump authorized the hush-hush program to buy Daniels' silence to suppress any negative headlines ahead of the 2016 election.

2. Cohen tried to delay payment until after the election

Davidson also testified that Cohen missed multiple deadlines to wire the $130,000 hush payment, including $120,000 as hush money himself, plus a $10,000 fee for Davidson through mid-October 2016.

Emails submitted as evidence by prosecutors showed that Davidson repeatedly sent Cohen instructions to make a wire transfer, after Cohen gave him excuse after excuse as to why the money was not transferred.

When asked why he thought Cohen delayed payment, Davidson replied: I thought he was trying to send the box back until after the election, suggesting that Cohen's interest in this story was only to protect Trump before the 2016 election.

3. Trump warned he could face prison

Presiding Judge Juan Merchan fined Trump $9,000 for nine violations of a silence order intended to protect trial participants from abuses by the former president, imposing the maximum financial penalty allowed by the New York State Judiciary Law.

Merchan ruled that Trump violated the order in nine out of 10 cases alleged by prosecutors. Merchan ordered Trump to remove offensive posts on his Truth Social platform and campaign website and warned that further violations could result in prison time.

The defendant is hereby put on notice that the Court will not tolerate continued willful violations of its lawful orders and that if necessary and appropriate in the circumstances it will impose a term of imprisonment, Merchan wrote in an eight-page order .

Trump could find himself subject to new sanctions as early as Thursday, when the judge is scheduled to hear arguments from Manhattan district attorneys that Trump has violated the silence order multiple times since they submitted their initial list of 10.

But the judge also chastised former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, the main target of Trump's attacks, along with Stormy Daniels, and wrote that he could be exempt from the silence order if he continued to deliberately annoy Trump on social media.




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