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Cricket fans are rallying around Glenn Maxwell after a shock move in the IPL ahead of the T20 World Cup

Cricket fans are rallying around Glenn Maxwell after a shock move in the IPL ahead of the T20 World Cup


Glenn Maxwell has revealed that he has asked to be left out of the Royal Challengers Bangalore team to face Sunrisers Hyderabad in the IPL on Monday evening, and takes a “mental and physical break.” The Australian all-rounder has had a nightmare in the T20 competition so far, with scores of 0, 3, 28, 0, 1 and 0.

His newest duck spotted him equals the record for most in IPL history, but the Australian star won't be breaking that mark anytime soon. On Monday (local time), the 35-year-old was not picked for RCB's match against Sunrisers, which they subsequently lost by 25 runs. Travis Head achieved the fourth fastest century in the history of the competition.

Glenn Maxwell during the IPL.Glenn Maxwell during the IPL.

Glenn Maxwell is struggling with his form in the IPL. Image: Getty

Speaking to reporters after the match, Maxwell revealed it was his decision not to play. The all-rounder said he has asked for a break to freshen up, which will also hopefully help the team right their sinking ship. RCB have just one win from seven matches and have little chance of reaching the final.

After the first few matches didn't go to plan for me personally, it was a pretty easy decision, Maxwell said. I went to (RCB captain Faf du Plessis) and the coaches last game and said it was time to probably try someone else.

Glenn Maxwell.Glenn Maxwell.

Glenn Maxwell recently equaled the record for most ducks in IPL history. (AFP via Getty Images)

“I've been in this situation before in the past, where you can keep playing and dig yourself into a hole. This is actually the best time to give myself a mental and physical break. With our results this year it was quite easy decision We didn't play as well as a team as we would have liked, and the results show that.

“My personal results reflect the results we have achieved. Quite a big deficit straight after the Powerplay and the middle overs, which have been one of my strengths in recent seasons. I felt I was not contributing in a positive way and it felt like with the position we're in at the table, we were giving someone else a chance to try their wares and hopefully someone can make the place their own.


Glenn Maxwell and Mitch Marsh are concerned about Australian cricket

Maxwell said he would put himself forward for selection again if he gets into a solid mental and physical headspace. He added: The management here has been excellent. We've worked together to gain quite a bit of ownership and the off-field leadership is trying to help as much as possible. Unfortunately, the runs don't go as they should if you're really in good shape.

I don't think I've had a better six months in cricket leading up to this tournament. So it's frustrating when it ends like this. But if I can get my body and mind right, there's no reason why I can't finish the tournament well if I get another chance.

Like Maxwell said, he'd been inside excellent form in white ball cricket over the past 12 months, which helped Australia win the ODI World Cup last year and score some big centuries. But his decline in form and decision not to play in the IPL again will be a major concern ahead of the T20 World Cup in the Caribbean and America in June.

Maxwell looks like an automatic selection for the Australian team, but his form would be slightly concerning. The latest development comes next Mitch Marsh flew home from the IPL with a hamstring injury, although there is no doubt for the World Cup.




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