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Ontario Hockey League teams field four Huron-Perth U16 Lakers


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Quinn Kipfer had to check again.

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The 15-year-old from Milverton was eating breakfast Saturday morning when his father gave him the news that North Bay had drafted him into the fifth round of the Ontario Hockey League priority selection. Kipfer wasn't so sure.

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“Just to be sure, I immediately checked my phone,” he said, laughing. I was quite calm about it. I was expected to go a little higher, so I got a little anxious while waiting, but mostly I take it pretty well.

Kipfer, the Huron-Perth Lakers U16 captain, spoke to many teams leading up to the draft. The battalion was not one of them.

It's obviously an exciting time for my family and everyone around me who has helped me. . . just enjoy the moment and everything that comes with it, Kipfer said.

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The five-foot-five center scored 15 goals and 39 points in the regular season and followed that with five goals and eight points in seven playoff games. He even picked up his first junior hockey point after recording an assist in six playoff games with the Stratford Warriors.

“I knew I had the skills and what it takes at the next level,” he said. It ensures that I demonstrate that day in and day out.

Kipfer was expected to be drafted before the 90th pick, but it's something he'll use as motivation once he heads north to rookie camp at the end of this month.

It's time to prove people wrong and show them what I have and what I can do, he said. Just come to camp and work hard. They have obviously looked at me and know what I can do, but I have to compete hard and show the skills I have to impress them and make the team.

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Three of Kipfer's teammates were also called up, including St. Mary's Chase McDougall. Niagara took McDougall in the seventh round, 123rd overall.

Chase McDougall
Chase McDougall jpg, SF, apsmc

“I'm really honored, I've been thinking about it a little bit and I'm excited to get started,” he said.

McDougall had very little contact with the IceDogs before the draft, which he watched with family on Saturday. Then he went to St. Catharines to meet the staff and some of the players.

“I was happy to go anywhere,” he said. I wasn't really expecting Niagara.

McDougall, a 6-foot-1 winger, scored eight goals and 28 points in 38 regular season and playoff games with the Lakers. It was the most fun he ever had playing hockey and a season he will never remember.

It's probably your biggest year in minor hockey and I really enjoyed being with the guys all the time, he said. I've had to make some sacrifices in my life, whether it was working out, hitting the ice for school or shooting pucks next door. . . buy in the process.

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McDougall will also attend rookie camp later this month and then return to work to prepare for main camp in the summer.

Just get bigger, stronger and faster, focus on a few little skills I can improve so I can make myself play the best hockey I can, he said.

Colton Radford
Colton Radford jpg, SF, apsmc

Erie selected Lakers U16 forward Colton Radford, of Londesborough, in the sixth round, 112th overall, and Brantford took defenseman Heath Bogart, of Grand Bend, in the 10th round, 196th overall.

“I was very happy for them,” McDougall said of his teammates. I was fortunate to play with them for the last seven years of my life and make lifelong friendships.

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Heather Bogart
Heather Bogart jpg, SF, apsmc

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