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EA College Football 25s top potential feature

EA College Football 25s top potential feature


EA College Football 25 will be unveiled in May.

That reveal will likely include gameplay footage of licensed athletes, the cover, a few features, and the release date. Everything beyond that is difficult to guarantee.

If you're a fan of the old NCAA Football series, you might remember the export/import draft class feature that tied the series to its big brother, the Madden franchise.

It was one of the most incredible sports video game features ever, and it's been a major talking point in the powerful and influential Operation Sports Forums.

For those who don't remember the feature, users can customize the names, attributes, heights and weights of every player on every school's roster in NCAA Football. Through Dynasty Play, you can export the graduating class and players leaving early for the pros into a draft class that can be uploaded to Madden.

Here's a look at it a video that shows how it worked.

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During your Madden franchise, you can use the draft class you exported from your NCAA Football Dynasty. Every year from July to February I lived in my virtual football universe, which was largely powered by this functionality.

If you are a true franchise fashion enthusiast, you know or can imagine how much fun this was to use.

OS' Chase Becotte recently wrote about the feature film's potential return to the rebooted college football series. Still, he doesn't sound too optimistic that we'll see the draft-class option in the first year of the restart.

“Nostalgia is powerful, and it's working overtime on the forums right now as this draft class import feature keeps popping up,” Becotte wrote. “Its inclusion in EA's next wave of games is a total mystery, and I personally have doubts about its chances of making it into the game this year. I don't say that negatively, but just logically. I'm not sure EA's licensing deals with college athletes will allow them to appear in anything outside of the college game.”

Becotte's hesitation is logical. We don't know the parameters of the licensing deals that allowed EA to bring college football back into gaming and even more than that; we don't know how well this feature will work on current generation consoles.

Potential cross-platform technical issues and scope limitations exist for the development team, who are no doubt working hard to make this relaunch special.

EA College Football will likely be an annual release in the future; some features are always pushed to the next cycle for capacity reasons and to avoid pre-loading one title with all the goodies, leaving little room for improvement in future versions.

While the absence of this feature makes sense, EA should also make every effort to include the draft-class option to prove to its hungry Franchise Mode fanbase that it is serious about improving its experience.

Madden has improved its franchise mode experience somewhat in recent years, but still has some catching up to do in terms of customization and sandbox-like options.

Re-pairing the NFL product with the returning college vehicle would improve both games and revive the complete gridiron experience that EA once offered to its fans.




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