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Dames Lax outlasts Clarkson in Key Conference win, 17-15

Dames Lax outlasts Clarkson in Key Conference win, 17-15


SCHENECTADY, ​​NY The trio of seniors Anna Smithjunior Greta Maurer and freshmen Gillian Joseph combining for 11 goals and five assists, they led the Union College women's lacrosse team to a hard-fought 17-15 victory over Clarkson University in a key Liberty League game Friday afternoon at Frank Bailey Field at Bertagna-Class of 1985 Stadium.

The win was important for Union (7-4, 5-2 Liberty League) in the race for the conference standings, leaving the Garnet Chargers in third place in the Liberty League with three games remaining.

Smith matched her career high with six points on the day, scoring four goals and adding two assists, while Maurer's three goals and three assists for six points tied her career highs in all three categories. Joseph had the team lead with four points, while classmates Hanna Compa And Maddy Schiller also scored a pair of goals each.

Clarkson (8-5, 3-4 Liberty League) was followed by Madelynn Barnum with eight goals in the game and Julia Lavarnway with three goals and four assists.

Much of the first half was filled with back and forth action, with the teams trading goals for the first 17 minutes before Clarkson used a 4-1 run to take a 6-4 lead with 8:00 to go in the second quarter. But Maurer had three goals and an assist as the home side closed the second stanza with four straight goals, including two goals in the final 22 seconds of the period from Maurer and Schiller, to take an 8-6 lead into halftime.

The Golden Knights started the third quarter on a 4-1 run and took the last lead of the game at 10-9, but goals from Joseph and Smith 79 seconds apart quickly put the home side back on top with 5 more: 51 to go. the third. Twice Clarkson scored to level the match, but each time Union had an answer to take back the lead in the early stages of the fourth frame.

Smith helped bring the momentum back to Union with two goals in 41 seconds, starting a three-goal streak in 81 ticks of the clock, putting the Garnet Chargers up 15-12 with 8:54 left after Schiller's second of the day. Playing with a three-goal lead for the first time all afternoon, the offense made almost immediate responses on Clarkson's next two plays to secure the victory, with Compa depositing a feed from Maurer with 7:12 to go and Joseph causing a turnover scored. by second year students Lana Mickelson with 3:32 left.

Union finished the game with a 32-28 edge in shots, featuring sophomores Sydney Widlitz and oldest Hanna Dubinski making two saves each in the victory. Sophomore Claudia Patz led the defensive effort with three ground balls and two caused turnovers and freshman Anna Dembowski added three ground balls and one resulted in a turnover as Union won the turnover battle 22-12.

Union returns to action tomorrow with another key Liberty League matchup against St. Lawrence University beginning at 3:00 PM at Frank Bailey Field.




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