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Florida women's tennis falls to Texas A&M, ending SEC championship hopes

Florida women's tennis falls to Texas A&M, ending SEC championship hopes


Florida graduate Carly Briggs has found her groove in her latest collegiate campaign.

Briggs entered Saturday's SEC Tournament semifinal against Texas A&M the winner of seven straight, but she faced stiff competition in the form of No. 19 sophomore Nicole Khirin.

Briggs trailed 3-0 early in the first set, but stormed back to win the first set 7-5. However, Khirin responded quickly and won the second set 6-2.

Briggs took the lead in the final set and cruised to a 6-1 set victory to win her eighth match in a row.

However, Briggs was one of the lone bright spots for the Gators in the semifinals, earning the lone singles win in the No. 3 seed Gators (16-8, 11-2 SEC) 4-2 loss to No. 2- seeds Texas A&M (22-6, 12-1 SEC).

The loss ended Florida's eleven-game winning streak and extended its SEC Championship drought to seven years, the longest in team history.

In doubles, the battle for the point was extremely competitive, but in the end the Gators prevailed, winning their eleventh straight doubles point in conference play.

The Gators fell behind early on Court 1, where Texas A&M's No. 3 junior Mary Stoiana and sophomore Mia Kupres defeated Florida's No. 50 team of junior Alicia Dudeney and freshman Malwina Rowinska 6-3.

The loss made Dudeney and Rowinska's first pairing this season, but came against their highest-ranked opponents.

Florida responded quickly on Court 2, where the team of freshmen Qavia Lopez and Briggs defeated the pair of seniors Carson Branstine and Khirin of Texas A&M 6-4.

The doubles point ultimately came down to Court 3, where Florida's team of sophomore Rachel Gailis and junior Bente Spee faced off against Texas A&M's duo of freshman Lucciana Perez and junior Jeanette Mireles.

In a back-and-forth battle, it was Gailis and Spee who ultimately emerged victorious, claiming victory 7-5 and the Gators taking the doubles point.

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The victory was the seventh consecutive year for Gailis and Spee as a team.

Singles, however, turned out to be a different story. The Aggies took control early and never looked back, capturing the overall match win.

On Court 2, Stoiana, the nation's No. 1 singles player, made quick work of Florida junior No. 71 Sara Dahlstrom to win 6-2, 6-0.

The Aggies then took the overall match lead on Court 5, where Perez defeated No. 111 Lopez 6-0, 7-5.

Texas A&M then moved closer to victory on Court 4, as No. 41 Kupres cruised to a 6-2, 6-2 victory over Dudeney.

With the Aggies just one win away from overall victory, the remaining three singles matches headed to a third set.

UF's comeback attempt was sparked by No. 68 Briggs, who posted a three-set victory over No. 19 Khirin on Court 3.

That would be the only singles point of the day in Florida, however, as Texas A&M claimed victory on Court 1 as Branstine defeated No. 8 Gailis 6-3, 3-6, 6-4.

Florida now awaits the NCAA Division I Womens Tennis Tournament selection show on April 29.

Contact Max Bernstein at [email protected]. Follow him on X @maxbernstein23.

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