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Bad omen or good? 89 percent of hockey commentators chose the Edmonton Oilers over the Los Angeles Kings

Bad omen or good?  89 percent of hockey commentators chose the Edmonton Oilers over the Los Angeles Kings


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This comes from Russell Morgan of the Hockey Royalty podcast, counting the predictions of hockey commentators from ESPN and Sportsnet, with 23 out of 26 saying the Edmonton Oilers will beat the Los Angeles Kings.


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My opinion

1. Maybe it's a good omen. Perhaps this kind of assessment is also completely down-to-earth and rational. But it's also rational to suggest that no one can predict the future, so I find this kind of sweeping judgment from the hockey experts somewhat troubling. I say that even when I picked the Oilers in five games.

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2. This outpouring of positivity about Edmonton's chances doesn't even include former Oilers ace Ryan Whitney's glowing review (and he really was a great player before his ankle reduced his agility to KHL levels) from the Spittin Chiclets podcast.

“I'm very confident,” Whitney said of the Oilers' chances against Los Angeles. We were talking about the best team in the National Hockey League since November. The path worked perfectly. We were able to make it to LA (in the first round instead of Vegas). We own LA

Seven games two years ago. Six games last year. I got them in five games this year, and then went ahead and fucking bash whoever wins that Vancouver-Nashville series. I'll tell you that now. LA will be a tougher series than the next round. That's the fact. But LA, like I said, we own them.

Whitney insisted he wasn't overlooking LA, but that he had the Oilers because of the team's star power, Edmonton's exceptional power play and Edmonton landing veteran winner Corey Perry.

This team is so damn good and there are so many people right now who think they will never win. And their time is now. They are better than last year. That goes for LA too. I give them credit. LA is a better team than last year. But Edmonton has reached a new level. (Coach Kris) Knoblauch came in, they figured out how to play defense, they put a system in place, their star players are willing to sacrifice themselves to play defense, a little more defensive style of hockey, and when you have Connor McDavid everything is possible.

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This is the year in Edmonton. This is the absolute season.

Whitney then raved about Cup fever on the streets of Edmonton: the madness outside the arena. F#ckin Jasper (Ave.). We have Whyte Ave. It's all these different areas in Edmonton where pints are crushed, their jerseys are worn, Joey Moss is honored and the national anthem is sung. It's the f#ckin Cup coming back to Edmonton, guys. And you all think I'm crazy. I know you are.

I don't think you're crazy, said co-host Paul Bissonnette.

I love Whitney's special brand of weirdness. That kind of enthusiasm and courage will take you far in life. I've felt a similar frenzy and certainty about the Oilers' chances in recent playoff seasons.

But I'm in the show-me phase with these Oilers.

They need to demonstrate a level of defensive discipline, maturity and hockey IQ in these playoffs that they still haven't achieved consistently in previous playoffs.

They can do that, they can win the cup, but they can also beat themselves. They are the only team that can do this, but they can easily beat themselves.

3. Like I said, I'm worried. Big time. In the four games against the Kings this year, Edmonton won three and lost one, but the games were close, with Edmonton allowing 46 Class A shots in the series, compared to 47 for the Kings.

Also in the regular competition, both teams were only a few points apart.

Yes, Edmonton has the edge in almost every aspect of the game, and it seems other hockey observers see the same thing. But hockey often comes down to goaltending and puck luck, momentum and referee decisions. In a series with two teams where one has an equally slim lead, anything can happen, including the Kings beating the Oilers.

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