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10-year-old hockey player, one of the first from Utah to play in a famous tournament

10-year-old hockey player, one of the first from Utah to play in a famous tournament


PROVO, Utah Hockey is almost second nature to Ax Madsen.

On Wednesday, the 10-year-old from Provo slid across the ice at Peaks Ice Arena, firing shot after shot at his brother Zane, who plays goalie.

Ax told FOX 13 News what his brother says when he stops him from scoring.

“He just likes, ha ha and laughs and stuff,” Ax said.

However, Ax says he does the same when he puts the puck in the back of the net.

Ax says he has been playing hockey since he was four or five years old, most recently as a defenseman.

“Say the other team has the puck coming to you, you're trying to stop them from going in, from shooting to your goalie,” Ax said.

Ax's love for the sport comes from his father, Cody.

“Every year we build an 18″ by 10″ ice sheet so we don't have to come to the rink all the time. We can stay home and skate on Saturday mornings or whatever,” Cody said.

It's Ax's skills on the ice and dedication to the sport that take his game to another level.

“He was part of the Western Selects 2014 brick team,” Cody said.

The team consists of elite players from more than a dozen states in the western United States.

Cody says his son has undergone auditions in both Las Vegas, Nevada and Long Beach, California.

“I think it went from a total of 250 kids trying out to a team of 14 skaters and two goalies,” Cody said.

He says they found out Ax joined the team late last year.

“Axe is one of two Utah kids on the team this year and they are the first two from Utah in the 34-year history of the Brick Tournament to represent the state of Utah,” Cody said.

Cody told FOX 13 News on Wednesday that Axe's journey with the team begins Tuesday when they travel to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to play in the first series of the Brick Invitational Tournament.

“Two weeks after Pittsburgh we travel to Las Vegas for training camp with the team, two weeks after Las Vegas we travel to Chicago. I believe two weeks after that we are in Vancouver, Canada,” Cody said. “Straight from Vancouver we go to Edmonton, where the grand final of the Brick Invitational is.”

That final in Edmonton will take place in July.

For Ax, his goal is very simple.

“To beat all the other teams and win the tournaments,” Ax said.

With his ultimate dream, not far from his mind.

“To get to the NHL,” Ax said.

FOX 13 News spoke with Andrew Cohen, the owner of Western Selects, on Wednesday. He estimates that about 125 to 130 active NHL players have played in this tournament. Cohen estimates that in the tournament's 34-year history, more than 300 players who have made it to the NHL have participated.

A GoFundMe has been set up for Ax to help pay for travel and other expenses.

If you would like to donate, you can visit their donation page here.




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