Brian Kelly asks a burning question after Alabama Football beat LSU
- Brian Kelly asked the question we all had on our brains: What exactly did LSU do to prepare for Alabama, and why didn't it work?
- Until LSU takes its staff to the next level, expect the Tigers to not achieve greatness.
- LSU didn't have the horses to compete with Alabama. That's why the Tide is in position for a CFP bid, and LSU is not.
BATON ROUGE, La. Brian Kelly asked the question we all had on our brains.
The way the No. 13 Tigers played Saturday in a 42-13 tail-kicking by No. 11 Alabama, you might have thought LSU heard from its opponent 90 seconds before kickoff.
LSU even had two weeks to prepare for Alabama.
Could have fooled me.
“When you watch the game you think: what have these guys done for two weeks?” Kelly said after a loss that LSU's playoff chances were kneecapped.
“We have a plan to stop the quarterback. We didn't get it done. I take responsibility for it.”
Alabama's star quarterback Jalen Milroe galloped through LSU's defense.
He completed his first seven passes. He repeatedly sprinted reassuringly into the end zone, knowing the Tigers had no one to reach out to him.
Milroe picked the Tigers clean and left them like bones, and it's the same sad story for LSU's defense, a wart of years.
“He has a superpower when it comes to running the football,” Alabama coach Kalen DeBoer said of his quarterback.
OPINION:Kalen DeBoer and Jalen Milroe save Alabama's season while LSU and Brian Kelly splat
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Combine that super strength with an LSU defense that is super pathetic at stopping running quarterbacks, and you get a blowout like this.
How can the LSU football defense be improved? Start with staff
Kelly fired his defensive coordinator after last season, when LSU fielded the SEC's worst defense this side of Vanderbilt.
Blake Baker marched in to lead the defense, a hiring that caused quite a stir. Baker has galvanized Missouri's defense before.
And yet this loss presented itself as a near repeat of Alabama's romp over LSU last season Crimson flood also scored 42 points, and Milroe ran wild all night.
I doubt Baker overdosed on stupid pills this offseason, so what gives?
LSU's defense simply doesn't have enough good personnel. LSU (6-3) lacks the horses to compete with Alabama (7-2).
Remember the physical freaks from the Nick Saban and Les Miles eras of LSU football? This defense doesn't have many guys like that.
Which begs the question: why not? And can Kelly supplement his selection for next season with the necessary opponents?
As Kelly puts together a 2025 recruiting class that ranks fourth nationally, he would also do well to look for a few proven veteran defensemen during the winter transfer sweepstakes. I'm not talking about warm bodies to complete the selection. LSU needs a few A-listers to lead a defensive renaissance.
LSU's flop on offense on Saturday can be explained by three turnovers and red zone issues, but the defensive issues run deeper.
LSU's shortcomings remind me where Ole ma'am was last year.
Georgia exposed the Rebels' personnel in a loss to Ole Miss last November, after which Lane Kiffin took stock of the program's weaknesses, picked up the hook and searched the transfer portal for solutions.
Backed by the wealthy NIL collective Ole Miss, Kiffin identified and secured an army of quality transfers to transform an Ole Miss defense that limited Georgia to 10 points in a win on Saturday.
Kelly shows no desire to compete for Kiffin's “Portal King” credentials, but he needs to recruit some guys with miles on their tires who know how to compete in the SEC.
How Alabama neutralized the one thing the LSU defense is good at
This defense does one thing well, and one thing only: it rushes the quarterback.
Alabama neutralized LSU's pass rush with a run-oriented offense, keeping the ball on the ground more than 70% of the time.
Alabama knew better than to put Milroe in the pocket for long-developing pass plays. Texas A&M reminded us two weeks ago that LSU can't tackle mobile quarterbacks in the open field. Turns out LSU didn't solve the problem.
When Milroe needed his arm, he made smart, efficient decisions, uncorked the ball quickly and consistently found open targets, often over the middle of the field within the soft belly of the LSU defense.
He became a third-down magician. LSU moved the chains 10 times on 13 third down attempts.
Add in LSU's turnover and a few early penalties from the Tigers, and a blowout is born.
LSU isn't as bad as it seemed. It defeated playoff-contending Ole Miss in this same building less than a month ago, but the defensive deficiencies persist like a bugaboo holding LSU back from the playoff.
“We were disappointed, (because) when you put on a jersey for LSU, there's a football stand that those three letters on your jersey (represent),” Kelly said. “We did not comply with that.”
While I appreciate the sentiment of Kelly's comment, LSU also lacks the roster needed to consistently meet that standard.
DBU gradually changed into DB-PU
No linebacker brings fear to an opponent.
There aren't enough disruptors on LSU's defensive front.
It is entirely the responsibility of Kelly and his staff to take the two levels to the next level before Kelly's tenure turns into a crucial year four.
Because if LSU doesn't make the necessary personnel improvements, ask the same question next year: What exactly did you spend your time on?
(This story has been updated to change a video.)
Blake Toppmeyeris the national college football columnist for the USA TODAY Network. Email him[email protected]and follow him on Twitter@btoppmeyer.Subscribeto read all his columns.
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