Manchester vs. Poland OHSAA high school football scores, updates
- Poland Seminary defeated Manchester 24-13 in a regional semifinal of OHSAA Division V high school football.
- Manchester's 11-2 season came after the Panthers had won just one game in the last two years.
- Phil Partin scored both touchdowns in Manchester.
LOUISVILLE One by one, Manchester head coach Kevin Stacy exchanged handshakes and hugs with the players who helped make this a special high school football season.
There was sadness and a few tears among the players Stacy thanked. As the pain subsides, the Panthers will no doubt feel a sense of pride.
One of Ohio's best comeback stories came to an end Friday when Manchester was defeated by Poland Seminary 24-13 in a Division V regional semifinal. After winning just one game the past two years, Manchester finished an 11-win season in the third round of the play-offs.
“It's hard to put it into words right now,” Stacy said. “The seniors have been through so much. The way they've turned it around in the last year is just incredible.
“All the little things they did to show our guys and get this far will be hard to replace.”
There are twelve seniors on Manchester's roster. The thought of playing a postseason game on the third Friday in November may have felt far-fetched when the Panthers were struggling. They will leave knowing they have brought the program back to prominence.
“I told them, 'Look where you are. Look what you've done,'” Stacy said. “If someone had told us before the start of the season that this is where we would be, people would have thought we were crazy.
“Our children believed.”
Belief in an extension of the season was alive when the Panthers trailed 17-13 at halftime.
Phil Partin scored both of Manchester's touchdowns in the first half. The first came on a 67-yard run. The other, a 2-yard run, was set up by a Blaise Donatelli interception.
How do you keep Partin and Manchester's attack off the field? You follow the Polish script for the third quarter.
With David Xipolitas and Vito Komara running almost every other play at quarterback, Poland controlled the ball for the entire quarter. The Bulldogs started on their own 2-yard line and were at the Manchester 25 when the quarter ended.
“You have to give them credit,” Stacy said. “They kept us off the field and milked the clock. That was a good strategy for them.”
The good news for the Panthers was that they kept the Bulldogs from scoring. A fourth down stop on the first play of the fourth quarter turned the ball over with Poland still holding a 17-13 lead.
The bad news for the Panthers was that they couldn't capitalize. Manchester opted to go for it on fourth and third from their own 42 but could not convert.
Manchester called a timeout for the game, but Stacy never guessed what the Panthers would do.
“We'd go for it,” Stacy said. “… We thought we could get it. We just wanted to get in formation, get it right and make sure we got the right play call.”
Poland benefited from the short field. Pano Xipolitas' 1-yard touchdown run gave the Bulldogs a 24-13 lead.
An interception by Pole JJ Faunda with 3:08 remaining helped the Bulldogs wrap up the game and complete Manchester's comeback season.
Here's how the game unfolded through our live updates.
Poland ends Manchester's comeback season
Manchester's comeback season is coming to an end. Poland beats the Panthers 24-13.
Manchester goes from 1-9 in 2023 to 11-2 and the third round of the play-offs this season.
JJ Faunda's interception puts Poland in a great position
JJ Faunda intercepts Manchester quarterback Yadin Sharp at the Poland 45 with 3:08 remaining. That may be the end of the road for the Bulldogs.
Poland extends lead with potential dagger of a touchdown
Poland takes advantage of the short field and scores what could be the decisive touchdown. Pano Xipolitas' 1-yard run gives the Bulldogs a 24-13 lead.
A daredevil phone call from Manchester doesn't end well
The Panthers opted to go on fourth-and-3 from their own 42. They didn't make it.
Poland holds the ball for the entire third quarter and comes up empty
Starting at their own 2-yard line, the Bulldogs held the ball for the entire third quarter. Facing fourth and fifth from the Manchester 25 on the first play of the fourth quarter, Poland turned the ball over on downs.
The Bulldogs still lead 17-13.
Poland leads Manchester 17-13 at halftime
Joe Stefancin's 36-yard field goal on the final play of the first half gave Poland a 17-13 lead.
Interception, penalties for Poland, Phil Partin touchdown
Phil Partin's 2-yard touchdown run gets Manchester within 14-13. The PAT is missed.
Blaise Donatelli's interception return to the Poland 15 helped set up the touchdown. So did a dead ball late hit penalty out of bounds on third and a facemask on fourth on the Bulldogs.
Angelo Angelilli gives Poland the first lead
Ricky Madeline's leadership set the table for Angelo Angelilli to put Poland on top. His 3-yard touchdown run gives the Bulldogs a 14-7 lead.
Vito Komara spins his way to a tying touchdown for Poland
Vito Komara turned what would have been a tackle for loss into a tying touchdown. He turned away from a Manchester defender and raced 28 yards to make it 7-7.
Manchester player Phil Partin is that man again
Another week, another long touchdown run for Phil Partin. His 67-yard run gives Manchester a 7-0 lead.
Partin threw a few tackles toward the end of that run. He had a 70-yard touchdown run in last week's win over Burton Berkshire.
Manchester's defense comes out in force again in the first quarter
Poland had a great opportunity to open the scoring when Vito Komara returned a punt at the Manchester 23. The Panthers forced a turnover on downs.
It is the second week in a row that Manchester has rejected an opponent deep in its own territory in a scoreless match.
Poland immediately boasts a two-quarterback rotation
The Bulldogs aren't shy about playing two quarterbacks. David Xipolitas and Vito Komara both took shots on their first ride of the race.
Poland wins the toss and chooses to postpone
Manchester will get the ball first after Poland won the toss and opted to postpone.
How did Manchester and Poland reach the regional semi-finals?
Manchester (11-1) opened the playoffs with a 49-14 victory over Youngstown Liberty and defeated Burton Berkshire 41-19 last week.
The Panthers scored on their first seven possessions in their win over Liberty. Phil Partin ran for 151 yards and three touchdowns and Yadin Sharp threw three TD passes against Berkshire.
Poland Seminary defeated Central Catholic 39-18 in the first round and Martins Ferry 34-14 last week.
Watch the entire season of Ohio High School Football live on the NFHS NetworkWho will the winner of Manchester-Poland play in the next round?
The winner will meet the winner of South Range-Garaway next Friday in a regional final at a location to be determined.
Reach Mike at [email protected]
On X: @mpopovichREP
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