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BU scores late to tie UMaine hockey and then wins the shootout

BU scores late to tie UMaine hockey and then wins the shootout


ORONO, Maine The University of Maine men's hockey team came within 20 seconds of beating Boston University.

But sophomore lefty Shane Lachance slid in a rebound with the extra attacker on the ice to give the Terriers a 2-2 tie.

Neither team scored in the five-minute 3-on-3 overtime, so it went to a shootout for the extra point and BU won it when Ryan Greene scored in the fourth round Saturday night at Alfond Arena.

Maine is now 7-2-2 overall and 4-4-2 in Hockey East.

BU is 5-5-1 and 2-2-1.

It is what it is. It was really good hockey both ways, UMaine coach Ben Barr said. There's nothing glaring that you're mildly upset about, other than the outcome.

For the most part, we played our style of hockey, but sometimes hockey is hockey and in the end it doesn't go your way, Barr added. It always hurts a little more when you're seconds away from winning, but you'll be fine.

BU coach Jay Pandolfo agreed.

It was a hard-fought game both ways, Pandolfo said. I give our guys credit for sticking with it. They are doing well defensively. We didn't have much to do in the third. But we found a way to stick with it and bring that one home late.

That was huge for our group, Pandolfo added.

Lachance, grandson of legendary BU coach Jack Parker, said he wasn't sure how he got the puck after BU won the faceoff and Cole Hutson took a point-to-point pass from Tom Willander and sent the puck to the crowded front of the net was busy.

“I was just standing there looking down and I saw him standing right in front of me and I put him in,” said Lachance whose goal was his fifth of the season.

Cole Eiserman gave BU a 1-0 lead in the first period, but UMaines Nolan Renwick tied the score on the power play.

Anthony Calafiore gave Maine a 2-1 lead late in the second period.

Eiserman opened the scoring when Kamil Bednarik's shot deflected towards him and he ended up in the half-empty net. It was the freshman left wing's seventh goal of the season.

Later in the period, UMaine goalie Albin Boija stopped Eiserman's breakaway attempt.

Renwick evened the score by fluttering a backhander over Mathieu Caron with a pile of players on the ice.

It was his fifth of the season.

Sophomore Calafiore's right wing broke the tie midway through the second period when Oskar Komarov made a nifty stickhandling maneuver along the extended goal line and slid a short pass to Calafiore, who fired the ball into the open net from just outside the goal line.

Caron and Boija each made a number of good saves during regular time and extra time and were sharp throughout the match.

Caron had 30 saves and Boija made 20.

We played hard and looked good, but at the end of the day it wasn't enough, UMaine senior center Renwick said. It sucks to give that one up with 20 seconds left, but they're a good team and if you give them a chance, they're going to do it. capitalize on it.

We had plenty of chances. Maybe if we had buried one in the third or late in the second it would be a completely different story.

BU was without leading scorer Quinn Hutson due to an upper-body injury and UMaine right wing Josh Nadeau suffered a head/facial injury late in the second period and did not return.

UMaine travels to New Hampshire for a game on Friday night, while BU will entertain Merrimack.




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