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The best high school football games in Wichita semifinals

The best high school football games in Wichita semifinals


WICHITA, Kan. (Catch it Kansas) – Wichita, we have a problem.

It's a problem for next week, but it's never too early to explore solutions.

You see, several of next week's state championship games — in economically pristine nine classes — will be played on Saturday. The Friday Five always serves as a preview for upcoming games, but is called that because those upcoming games happen to be played on Fridays. That won't quite be the case next week. Is a weeklong renaming of the world's most popular high school football column in the offing?

Well, you'll hear that next Friday. For now, let's get started. It's the semifinals and Wichita-area teams are pretty much everywhere. There are some nice matchups this week, some matchups that at least look strong on paper and, one way or another, some potential blowouts.

Let's get started, a different way of saying let's get started, but still a nice ending to an opening without a natural ending.

Manhattan (11-0) at Derby (11-0), Class 6A

You have to wonder what's happening in Manhattan right now.

Here in Wichita, we've watched Derby play all year and marked coach Brandon Clark's nearly two-decade tenure with state championships — he's won six, all since 2013. So while we may not want to say it out loud, we have I don't really feel like Manhattan has much of a chance in this. Derby's starters have played 22 quarters in 11 games this season, always quitting early as the Panthers' halftime average is 206-4. Don't check that math.

But shouldn't they feel the same way in Manhattan? The school also has a longtime state championship-winning coach: Joe Schartz. The team is undefeated and it is probably not controversial to say that Manhattan's schedule has been tougher than Derby's, with wins over Hays, Lawrence Free State and Junction City, and two over Northwest.

Do they secretly mutter to themselves in Manhattan: Derby can't stay with us? Well, maybe.

But let's be serious. Derby just seem to be on a different level this season. Yes, the games have become a little tougher: the 42 points Derby have allowed in the past two weeks are just eleven fewer than the Panthers have in their other nine games combined. And yet those were 42-14 and 63-28 wins over Junction City and East.

We're still not ready to say the quiet part out loud, but we will say this: Manhattan is a heavy underdog here.

Boston Dunn has been a part of the Derby Panthers football program since the first day he stepped foot on the grass. Neither Dunn nor the Panthers have looked back

Hays (7-4) at Goddard Eisenhower (9-2), Class 5A

This game feels like a collision of potential.

Hays has seemingly beaten the odds to advance this far, with a tremendously difficult run through the playoffs that included wins over Andover, Great Bend and Hutchinson, three teams that matched or bettered Hays' 4-4 regular-season record . In any case, the win over Great Bend easily qualifies as an upset.

And while we'll never say Eisenhower hasn't lived up to its potential if it doesn't win or even play in the state championship, it feels like we're just not quite sure what the Tigers are capable of.

They lost their two toughest regular season games, to Andover Central and Northwest, albeit by a total of four points. And their postseason run has been less strenuous — Eisenhower has defeated Emporia, Maize South and Topeka Seaman by a combined score of 136-50, and the math basically boils down to that.

So what we have are two teams that usually meet in the same place – one looking to put a mediocre season completely behind them and the other trying to break through against a good opponent. If both teams have something to prove, you're likely to get a spirited effort, a match full of drama and a game that will only be decided in the final minutes.

And there's only one team that walks away and says, we did that.

Buhler (9-2) at Andover Central (10-1), Class 4A

Did Buhler have the quietest 9-2 season in the Wichita area?

That's what happens, we assumed, when you have a coach and a program that wins big – everyone just expects it to keep happening. This is perhaps one of Steve Warner's most impressive performances in his 19 years with the Crusaders. He started at Buhler in 2006, the same year Brandon Clark's tenure at Derby began.

Buhler's two regular-season losses came against Great Bend, a 5A contender, and Wamego. And last week, Buhler avenged that defeat by defeating Wamego in the quarterfinals. The Crusaders have to go back a little further for the Andover Central loss they are eager to avenge. That happened way back in the 2023 opener.

Andover Central also defeated Buhler in 2022 and 2021. So if Buhler wants to avenge three losses, it needs to win this game by more than 50 points, the margin of those three Central wins. That probably won't happen, but is a win out of the question?

Honestly – yes. Andover Central has to be the choice here, but if Buhler were representing the West (and by that we mean the westernmost part of the eastern third of the state), half of Kansas would be pretty heartwarming.

If it's Andover Central, we're all expecting a win over Bishop Miege next weekend, assuming Miege wins on Friday, and it will. And Miege, who always wins everything, should probably be taken down.

Holcomb (9-2) at Andale (11-0), Class 3A

Before the Dream Teams' first game of the 1992 Summer Olympics, Team USA men's basketball player Charles Barkley said, “I don't know about Angola, but I don't know about Angolas who are in trouble.”

Let's look at that again, with a bit of paraphrasing. We don't know anything about Holcomb, but Holcomb is in trouble.

Before we go any further, let's learn a little more about Holcomb, shall we?

It is located south of Highway 50 in Finney County in western Kansas, with a population of approximately 2,200. Appropriately (?) Holcomb takes its name from a local pig farmer. And many people know this, but a crime in Holcomb that was far too dark to discuss here was part of the inspiration for Truman Capote's 1965 book, In Cold Blood.

But back to better news: Holcomb is the birthplace of the famous(?) beat poet Charles Plymell. Whatever you do, don't read his Pathos in the Towns.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, we'd like to wish Holcomb a good send-off in the playoffs. This match won't be close. Andales' playoff scores are 51-7, 74-0 and 52-14 (against defending 3A champion Cheney); Holcombs are 12-7, 21-14 and 10-7. Need we say more?

So goodbye, Holcomb. We hardly knew you, your namesake in the field of pig farming or your favorite(?) son, the poet.

Game of the Week: Cheney vs. Andale

Valley Heights (9-2) at Conway Springs, Class 1A

This is another one where the local team should roll. These teams have one common opponent, Marion, who defeated Valley Heights by 20 and lost to Conway Springs 21-6.

This game, you guessed it, won't be close. And that's a shame, because we deserve close games in the state semifinals. We have to have something to justify all these classifications, right? If the difference between the top and near top of a class is so seismic, can't we make some adjustments?

That's a conversation for another day. For now, let's talk about another coach who may be a bit underrated: Conway Springs Matt Biehler. He took over the Cardinals in 2009 after Lelin George led them to a 3A title the year before. And Biehler kept Conway Springs going. He has never had a losing season and has won 10 games at least eight times.

There are also two state titles for the Cardinals under Biehler, including last year. This year it has been one easy win after another, a trend that is almost guaranteed to continue on Friday. Maybe a 1A championship game between Conway Springs and Rossville or Centralia will be interesting, but probably not.

See you next Saturday, Cardinals. And see you all at the last edition of the Friday (or Saturday) Five.




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