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College football player tackles OCD, anxiety and drug withdrawal


DALLAS "I'm sitting there, lying on the bathroom floor, thinking I'm about to die."

Gerrit Choate recounted every detail of a cold winter day in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The worst day of his life.

"The doctor said it looked like a heroin addict who is undergoing a full detox for cold turkey," said Choate.

Gerrit has experienced withdrawals for a drug Luvox, the brand name of fluvoxamine prescribed to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

"Come find out from the doctors that the recommended usage does not exceed 30 days," said Choate.

Gerrit's eye widens to emphasize.

"I've been there for about nine years."

"You tell this child that he cannot, and he will do it"

Choate is the son of Southern Methodist University football legend Putt Choate, who still holds the school record for tackles in one season and tackles in a career.

"I grew up going to EMS games," said Gerrit. "It was always a dream to play for SMU."

Dreams have turned into nightmares.

In sixth grade, Gerrit broke a bone in his lower back while playing soccer.

"Several doctors said I was never going to play sports again," said Gerrit.

Devastating news for a multisport athlete.

"You are telling this child that he cannot, and he will," said his mother Fifi Choate.

After a year in a dorsal splint, Choate saw another doctor who told him there was a slight chance he could play again.

Choate adhered to a strict rehabilitation plan and was finally allowed to play.

The happiest day of his life.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

The Dallas native became an all-state player at Parish Episcopal High School under the guidance of head coach Scott Nady.

However, the helmet and the broad shoulders masked the mental difficulties Choate had endured for years.

As a child, he was diagnosed with severe anxiety and OCD.

"Suddenly he became a very anxious little boy," said Fifi. "Always in need of reinforcement."

"The best way to describe it is just an overwhelming feeling that if you don't do this task, whatever it is, something serious will happen," said Choate.

The definition of OCD, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, is as follows: a common, chronic, long-term disorder in which a person has uncontrollable and recurring thoughts (obsessions) and / or behaviors (compulsions) that they feel the urge to repeat over and over again.

"It was a little difficult for me to understand," admitted Choate's father, Putt.

As symptoms worsened, Chaote was prescribed Luvox.

Genetic makeup

Having no Division 1 offer at the end of high school, Chaote walked to Utah.

However, at the start of his university career, his mind and body began to close.

Doctors recommended Chaote take an expensive drug gene test.

"Our insurance wouldn't even pay for it," said Putt.

According to the drug gene test, Luvox was toxic to the genetic makeup of Choate.

He had to wean off the drug as soon as possible, which would not be an easy task since his body had depended on it for almost a decade.

"& # 39; I should have known as a parent. & # 39; That is what you are fighting for the most," said Putt. "You have not checked. You have not looked. You were not aware. You have not protected your child."

Fifi moved to Utah for a few months to help Choate get rid of the medicine. He would take progressively smaller doses until he was completely out of it.

The worst day of his life

One morning Choate took his daily dose, but he had an upset stomach and vomiting.

Her body never digested the dose that day.

The worst day of his life.

"It was the scariest thing I went through," said Fifi. "He was so seriously ill."

"It was just a nightmare," said Choate.

At the urging of her mother, Choate vomited 24 times in 12 hours in her Utah dorm.

"It was a complete shock to see how an anxiety medication can do this to someone," said Choate. "Because a day off from this stuff took me through hell."

Over time, Choate quit the drug and moved to Dallas.

He stuck to a strict nutrition plan through his nutritionist Jill Lane and walked to EMS.

"Most people would have stopped," said Putt. "And no one would have blamed him."

"I marvel at her determination," said Fifi with pride. "When life overthrows him, he goes. He won't accept it."

Now Choate sees the benefit of sharing her experience with others.

"He doesn't want another child to go through the hell he had to live with," said Fifi. "If your child has these symptoms, if he has anxiety, get them tested. Get them to have genetic tests and see what their bodies can tolerate."

"This is not your typical return story," said Choate. "It took me a while to see that it could help people and it would be selfish not to share it."

Gerrit is now a junior at SMU, where he plays linebacker and special teams.

Prior to his junior season, Choate was promoted from the visiting athlete to the scholarship athlete to his father's alma mater.

"He's a warrior," said Fifi, wiping the tears from his eyes. "He takes a beating and gets up."

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