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Best bets for Giants vs. Steelers on Monday Night Football


Hello and welcome to the PM edition of the CBS Sports HQ newsletter. My name is Tom Fornelli, but you can call me A Better Darts Player Than Pete Blackburn. We know how much fun you enjoy reading Pete’s newsletter every morning, and we want to make sure you’re just as prepared for the rest of your day.

The difference this time is that instead of helping you catch up on what happened the night before, I will prepare you for the night ahead. And by preparing, I mean I’m going to give you gambling advice. That’s right, all the choices your degenerate heart could ever wish for will be here.

All you have to do is #TrustTheProcess, and I promise * that the CBS Sports HQ newsletter will make you richer than you ever dreamed.

Before we get to tonight’s picks, though, let’s take a quick look at what’s happened this Monday so far:

Have you read those stories? Okay, let’s start making some money.

* Promises not guaranteed!

All times Eastern, and all odds through William Hill Sportsbook

The hot ticket

Giantsvs. Steelers, 7:10 PM | TV: ESPN
The Pick: Giants +6 (-110)
: I couldn’t help but notice a trend on Sunday. Tom Brady, Drew Brees, and Philip Rivers all seemed to be somewhere between Ordinary and Washed. That causes me some concern about Ben Roethlisberger, 38, which made its first start in a year on Monday night. He is 6-10 ATS and 4-7 as a favorite on MNF. So you can take the Steelers to cover this spread if you want, but I’m here with the Giants. That was also a line I can’t believe I typed, but seriously, I’m betting on the New York Giants. Wow, 2020 just never ends, right?

This is what SportsLine says about the game:RJ White is the most popular NFL handicapper at SportsLine, and he’s good at picking games too. He is 7-1 in his last eight NFL games and he has one for this game waiting for you.

The choices


Broncos vs. Titans, 10:20 AM | TV: ESPN
The choice: under 41 (-110)
— What? Did you think you got a good night’s sleep tonight? Think again! It’s a Monday Night Football doubleheader! If Courtland Sutton isn’t playing for the Broncos, I’m less likely to take Denver. That said, Tennessee underperformed last season and regression is expected. But Mike Vrabel wore a mask on Sunday that said, give the ball to Derrick Henry. And Denver brought Melvin Gordon in off-season. I think we have two defensively minded head coaches who want to record the run here, and if that’s the case, we’re going down.

MLB | Today’s full program

Twins at White Sox, 8:10 PM | TV: MLB.TV
The Pick: Under 9 (+100)
– As a White Sox fan, trust me when I tell you I didn’t expect them to have the best record in the AL this late in the season. Tonight they kick off a huge series with the Twins as the two are separated by a game in the AL Central. On average, 11.8 runs were scored in the first six meetings between these teams, but tonight’s weather conditions tend to lower the Guaranteed Rate scoring. Additionally, this series will be treated as a playoff series by both managers. Those games usually have fewer runs.

Padres at Dodgers, 8:10 PM | TV: MLB.TV
The Pick: Dodgers (-130) –
The Padres are the hottest team in baseball, having won seven consecutive times. All good things must come to an end. It will happen tonight. Clayton Kershaw starts for the Dodgers, and while judges dominate Padres’ attack, they were worse against leftists. Their power numbers have fallen and they strike more often. Meanwhile, Padres starter Dinelson Lamet is running too many guys, and the little contact he allows is often difficult.

SportsLine pick of the day:The SportsLine projection model is strongly support one side of Braves vs. Orioles at 7:35 PM ET. SportsLine subscribers can get picks for that game, and for every other MLB game today, here.

The DFS rundown

Must play

Derrick Henry, RB (FD $ 8.4K / DK $ 7.5K) – The Broncos defense lost to Von Miller, and we know the Titans want to feed Henry the ball. There is no one for him to participate in this offense.


Diontae Johnson, WR (FD $ 5.9K / DK $ 4.4K) – James Washington may be the big threat, but Johnson is the No. 2 WR in the Pittsburgh attack, and that’s been a valuable spot for fantasy players in most seasons. Johnson will most likely pay, and is likely to exceed, the price you pay.

Full line-up advice

SportsLine’s team of DFS insiders have you covered for everyday fantasy sports. Mike McClure has won nearly $ 2 million playing DFS and is one of the best MLB DFS experts in the world. Check out his MLB choices here, and don’t forget to see whatever he chooses here for NBA DFS. Use SportsLine’s all new DFS Optimizer to get optimal NFL DFS choices from 10,000 simulations.

Stack Attack

Every day during the MLB season, we’re going to pick a pitcher to attack by taking home run props on different players of the same team. Tonight we will attack Baltimore Orioles starter, Jorge Lopez.

These are the three HR props we want to take tonight:

  • Ronald Acuna +150
  • Marcell Ozuna +200
  • Freddie Freeman +275

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