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Irish minister claims 80% of illegal immigrants arrive via UK – European Conservatives

Irish minister claims 80% of illegal immigrants arrive via UK – European Conservatives


More than eight in 10 migrants arriving in Ireland come from Britain, Dublin officials have claimed.

With tensions over mass migration already high and the housing crisis forcing many asylum seekers to live in tents, Ireland's Justice Minister Helen McEntee said:

This is the challenge we face and why we have advocated for open borders on this island.

Ireland and the UK have a common travel area long before both countries joined the EU. London, like Dublin, has insisted there should be no return to border posts between the two countries after Brexit. Even though the deal that resulted from this pledge meant that Brussels would retain some control over Northern Ireland despite it being out of the bloc.

Fianna Fil Senator Robbie Gallagher described the (inaccurate) figure of over 80% as particularly worrying. It is known that a significant proportion of people arriving in Ireland from the UK are from Nigeria. This can be used to the government's advantage. A source quoted in The Daily Mail emphasized that it is easier for a country to deport someone to Nigeria than to the UK.

Officials in Dublin have previously criticized British Prime Minister Rishi Sunax's Rwandan factory for sending migrants to the African country, sparking a surge in asylum seekers going straight to Ireland. This view may be helped by the fact that the migration movement from Northern Ireland has been described as a phenomenon of relatively recent months, starting around the same time that it became clear that the Rwanda Plan would soon become law. .

Concerns that the Rwandan plan could have a knock-on effect in Ireland are so serious that Ireland's High Court ruled last month that the UK is not a safe country to send asylum seekers to because of the risk of being sent to the African country.

British Home Office officials have condemned the decision as absurd, and Irish independent politician Carol Nolan on Thursday pointed to long-standing concerns among Irish government backbenchers that the policy is a runaway train coming down the tracks. [Ireland]We have no way to stop it.

Nolan told the European Conservatives:

I don't think I know anything about this [Dublin] The government did not view these assessments as challenges to be solved, but rather as a self-fulfilling prophecy that little could be done.

She added that McEntee had since spoken about the level of cooperation between Irish and UK border management and enforcement agencies.

But if she now admits that 80% of asylum seekers are traveling through North Korea, it is clear that this cooperation is essentially useless in terms of its outcome, leading to a reduction in the number of people arriving in North Korea.

McEntee will now reportedly meet UK Home Secretary James Cleverly to discuss the matter, possibly next week. But there are also problems Ireland must address on its own, including the fact that the country has deported less than 100 of the approximately 7,300 people denied refugee status since 2023.




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