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Fantasy Football 2020 ranking: TE


Tight ends rarely make the headlines during the off-season. Movements that affect fantastic TE rankings are generally under the radar compared to other news from free agencies. For example, Philip Rivers’ signing with the Colts will always be far greater news than Hayden Hurst will be traded to the Falcons, but when it comes to fantasy football, that last decision is just as important. After all, Hurst becoming an instant sleeper, chances are he will actually start for fantastic teams in week 1 of the 2020 NFL season while Rivers will be on fantastic benches.

Hurst was the biggest riser in our first series of off-season TE rankings, as he essentially replaced Austin Hooper, who lost a few spots after signing with Cleveland. Hooper has proven to be a capable TE, but his QB, offense and competition for targets have just been demoted. On the opposite side of the spectrum, you have Jonnu Smith of Tennessee (goodbye, Delanie Walker), Jack Doyle of Indy (goodbye, Eric Ebron) and Eric Ebron of Pittsburgh (hello, Ben Roethlisberger). All are in much better positions than most of last season, and all should see big bumps in the goals. You can also add Caroline’s Ian Thomas to this list after Greg Olsen leaves for Seattle.

Quarterback | Running back | Wide receiver | D / ST | Kicker

Equally important is the whole movement of the quarters. Doyle obtains a QB from Philip Rivers who has always enjoyed launching TEs with the Chargers; O.J. Howard is in a similar situation with Tom Brady now in Tampa, but Bruce Arians’ offense has never used the close end much, so it’s not clear what really matters. Thomas also gets a new, more efficient QB in Carolina with Teddy Bridgewater.

Perhaps the biggest “loser” of the offseason so far is Jared Cook in New Orleans. The addition of another very competent possession receiver, Emmanuel Sanders, figures to eat in his target total. Given all of the positive changes for the players mentioned above and Cook’s already inconsistent nature, we have moved him from several places. On the other hand, Kyle Rudolph goes back after the loss of Stefon Diggs, but the sophomore Irv Smith Jr. could eat in his target total, so it is difficult to get too excited for Rudolph.

There are several other potential sleepers who could gain momentum this offseason (Blake Jarwin, CJOzomah, Tyler Eifert), but with TE looking as busy as it has been for years, these players cannot be in the top 25 – for the moment. There will be a lot of changes as we approach training camp, so check back for the latest updates.

TE 2020 Fantasy Football Ranking

Rankings based on no PPR notation formats

Rank Player
1 George Kittle, 49
2 Travis Kelce, chefs
3 Evan Engram, giants
4 Zach Ertz, Eagles
5 Mark Andrews, Ravens
6 Darren Waller, Raiders
seven Hunter Henry, Chargers
8 Hayden Hurst, Falcons
9 Tyler Higbee, Aries
ten Austin Hooper, Browns
11 Jonnu Smith, Titans
12 Jack Doyle, Colts
13 Eric Ebron, Steelers
14 O.J. Howard, Boucaniers
15 Noah Fant, Broncos
16 T.J. Hockenson, Lions
17 Mike Gesicki, dolphins
18 Ian Thomas, Panthers
19 Kyle Rudolph, Vikings
20 Dallas Goedert, Eagles
21 Jared Cook, Saints
22 Greg Olsen, Seahawks
23 Chris Herndon, Jets
24 Cameron Brate, buccaneers
25 Dawson Knox, Bills
26 Jimmy Graham, bear
27 Blake Jarwin, Cowboys
28 C.J. Uzomah, Bengals
29 Darren Fells, Texans
30 Logan Thomas, Red skins
31 Irv Smith Jr., Vikings
32 Tyler Eifert, Jaguars
33 David Njoku, Browns
34 Matt LaCosse, Patriots
35 Marcedes Lewis, Packers

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