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Four Macs expected to be seen at Apples WWDC next week (and one unexpected Mac)

Four Macs expected to be seen at Apples WWDC next week (and one unexpected Mac)


On Monday, June 6, Apple will consider future changes to the iOS and macOS operating systems and the announcement of other major software. This event, the Apples Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), is a developer-focused event where Cupertino likes to share details of the latest software updates for iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Although a software-centric event, Apple can use this stage to unveil a new Mac with the next-generation M-series chipset. What can Mac consumers and professional-level users expect this year? Here’s a summary of what Apple might launch with the WWDC 2022 in terms of Mac hardware.

All-new MacBook Air

The MacBook Air continues to be the most popular Mac on the market, and there’s a reason people love this computer so much. The MacBook Air is one of the fastest laptops in this segment, but it’s lightweight and costs about the same as the popular ultra-portable Windows laptops. If the latest rumors are believed, Air will be significantly updated and new models may be announced at WWDC as early as next week.

The next-generation MacBook Air is expected to come in a variety of colors, just like the new iMac. It remains a thin and light design, but the classic tapered edge is replaced by a flat edge design similar to the iPad Pro and iPad Air. You’ll also see a white bezel, 1080p full HD webcam, and a revised port around the screen. It’s unclear if Apple will pack the next M2 chip into the Air. However, a March tweet by trusted analyst Ming-Chi Kuo predicts that the next MacBook Air will have an M1 chip instead of an M2 processor. He also emphasized that production of the next-generation MacBook Air can only be started by the end of the second or third quarter.

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Meanwhile, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman believes that the new MacBook Air will come with an M2 chipset because these laptops are already under test, which is complicated by the Covid-19-related supply chain disruption in China. It has become. In his latest newsletter, Gurman believes that if Mac hardware appears at WWDC, it’s likely a MacBook Air, but previously only appeared after September 2022. ..

New Mac Pro with Apple Silicon

At the company’s March event, Apple’s Senior Vice President of Hardware Engineering, John Ternus, shared a teaser for the new Apple Silicon Mac Pro on stage. Little is known about professional grade Mac Pros. It replaces the 2019 Mac Pro with an internal Intel chip and a modular high-performance Mac tower.

One possibility is that the updated Mac Pro may have the same M1 Ultra chip that Mac Studio has. The Mac Pro may be small and cheap. Another speculation is that Apple will release an enhanced version of the M1 Ultra chip, which will be sold under a different name and use case.

Existing Mac Pros that are still available for purchase from the Apple Store start at $ 5,999 and go up to $ 50,000 for top-end models. Remember, you’ll have to pay an additional $ 4999 to get the 6K, 32-inch Pro Display XDR.

Mac Mini with M2

Two years ago, Apple updated the Mac mini with an M1 chip along with the MacBook Air. Now, it will be interesting for Apple to announce an updated version of the Mac mini at WWDC next week. According to leaks and reports, the computer may have a glossy pixel glass-like surface, similar to the original Mac mini in 2005. Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman has talked about how Apple can upgrade its Mac mini to two in the past. Variations: One is the M2 chipset and the other is the M1 Pro chipset.

The new Mac Mini will also have four Thunderbolt ports, two USB-A ports, HDMI, Ethernet, and a magnetic power connector. Apple continues to sell the Mac mini, although interest in desktop computers has slowed. Frankly, it makes sense for Apple to continue to support the most affordable Mac desktops.

13 inch MacBook Pro

The 13-inch MacBook Pro, last updated in late 2020, occupies a strange position in the Apples Mac lineup. The 13-inch MacBook Pro isn’t as fast as the 14-inch or 16-inch MacBook Pro, and it’s not as affordable or lightweight as the entry-level MacBook Air. So why would Apple want to continue using the 13-inch MacBook Pro? Well, the answer isn’t as complicated as it looks. No matter what industry experts and insiders say, the 13-inch MacBook Pro doesn’t want to pay a fortune for a 14-inch or 16-inch MacBook Pro, but still attracts a section of users who need a lightweight expert. increase. Grade laptop.

For those who want a touch bar and better battery life, it may be easier for Apple to sell the new 13-inch MacBook Air. The new 13-inch MacBook Pro may have the same M2 processor as the next MacBook Air, as well as similar storage and memory options.

No new 27-inch iMac

The 27-inch iMac, an all-in-one desktop computer for professionals, will be upgraded. Gurman talked about the large iMac Pro with the M1 Pro and M1 Max chip options on the card, but it’s unlikely that it’s coming soon. With the M1 Silicon Family, Apple has finally streamlined its Mac lineup with a solid strategy. The recent introduction of Mac Studio and the expected upgrade to the Mac Pro means that Apple will not need a specific Pro Desktop range in the future just to show off more power.




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