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Sandia impacts the economy with partnerships that commercialize science and technology

Sandia impacts the economy with partnerships that commercialize science and technology


April 14 Sandia National Laboratories is more than just science. It's also a business. It is a business that plays an important role in the local and national economy.

Although primarily known for its nuclear science research, Sandia conducts a wide range of scientific and technological experiments and innovations. Like other Department of Energy laboratories, we also have a legal obligation to share our advances with the public.

U.S. law states that “It is the continuing responsibility of the federal government to ensure that the fruits of the federal government's investments in research and development are maximized.To this end, the federal government shall “Efforts to transfer federally owned or proprietary technology to the federal government, as appropriate,'' to state governments, local governments, and the private sector. ”

These inventions cover a wide range of areas including electronics, advanced materials, semiconductors, and various computer-related technologies such as cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.

As such, the Department of Energy is a major driver of innovation in the United States. DOE's 17 national laboratories outperform all federal agencies in invention disclosures, patent applications, and patents issued.

Sandia itself is recognized as a leader in the Department of Energy's laboratories.

David Gibson, Sandia's deputy research director and chief operating officer, explained some of the reasons for its success at a recent press conference.

“A recent study examining the economic impact of technology transfer and development over the past 20 years found an impact of more than $140 billion over that period,” Gibson said. “That $140 billion includes $72.2 billion in product sales, $22.52 billion in new product sales to governments, $14.1 billion in new tax revenue generation, and the creation of more than 607,000 new jobs. “

Sandia's analysis estimates that federal, state and local governments collected $9.9 billion in taxes during this period.

This includes $6.4 billion in total federal taxes and $3.5 billion in total state and local tax revenues. In summary, Sandia's analysis found that for every dollar of direct sales generated through all agreements, 30 cents is collected in taxes by federal, state and local governments.

Gibson said that while Sandia's core mission is to ensure the safety, security and reliability of the U.S. nuclear stockpile, its mission also is to solve complex national security problems through innovation and discovery. He said there is. To do this, you can't just leave your discoveries on a shelf in your lab collecting dust. If necessary, they will be commercialized by private entities.

Product commercialization

Mary Monson, Sandia's senior manager of technology partnerships and business development, said her team will bring innovation and lab-developed technologies to the private sector to help strengthen local, regional and national economies. He said he is focusing on.

“There are two ways to do that: Collaborative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) and Patent License Agreements (PLAs). CRADAs allow laboratories to collaborate with external parties to co-develop technology. , the PLA will be able to leverage each other's expertise and resources to our licensees,” Monson said. Commercial companies then usually have the rights to make, use, and sell the lab's inventions. ”

Sandia's economic impact study examined CRADA and PLA production volumes from 2000 to 2020 and how they were reflected in product sales, tax revenues, and job creation. This analysis quantified the impact on the national economy of the technology transfer agreements established by Sandia.

Sales from various agreements and their ripple effects supported employment expansion. The analysis found that, on average, an estimated 20,689 jobs were supported annually between 2000 and 2020, the 21-year period over which the study assessed economic outcomes and impacts.


Sandia's longest-running business partnership is with Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company.

“In the early 1990s, tire companies turned to Sandia for advanced expertise to improve tire performance,” Monson said. “Years later, that partnership continues and remains strong.”

Michael Skroch, Manager of Simulation Modeling Science at Sandia, is the Goodyear/Sandia CRADA point of contact.

“We often don't realize the complexity of tires,” he said. “They are extremely complex. We and our families depend on the safety of these tires every day. Our economy depends on these tires every day. And our partnership with Goodyear We make it possible.”

The partnership has recently been working on developing quieter tires. This also led to the past development of the Assurance TripleTred and the all-weather tire launched in 2004.

One engineering approach is to test tires by simulating road conditions where rubber hits the road. Sandia and Goodyear have developed a virtual method of demonstrating tire performance using a virtual test machine that simulates road conditions. Virtual Flat Trac reduces the need to test physical tires on Goodyear's own machines elsewhere.

According to Sandia, the virtual flat track was developed using Sandia's Sierra suite of analysis codes, said Vicki Porter, Goodyear technical liaison at the institute.

Sierra is Sandia's engineering mechanics simulation code suite used to predict the performance of weapons systems during normal operations and how they will react in abnormal environments such as crashes and fires, Sandia said. For tire engineering, designers input the tire geometry, material composition, air pressure, and tread pattern, as well as the vehicle loads on the tire. It then predicts things like tire temperature, road noise, and driver feel while cornering and at various speeds.

Although the Goodyear partnership is Sandia's longest-running CRADA, tires are just one example of the lab's technology and capabilities that can be used in automotive applications.

These efforts include reducing emissions through improved combustion science and fuels, more efficient duct fuel injection, improving the safety and efficiency of battery storage in battery abuse testing laboratories, and improving lithium batteries for electric vehicles. These include improved performance, advances in materials and coating technology, and the development of hydrogen and fuel cells. Technologies essential to realizing a clean and safe energy future.

Sandia and the New Mexico Public Service Company formally established CRADA in 2020 to help PNM develop a more resilient, cleaner power grid and meet its 2040 carbon emissions goals .

“This partnership is developing new analytical approaches and technologies that will enable PNM to harness both distributed and centralized energy sources for clean energy,” Monzon said. “Sandia and PNM are testing storage options including batteries, thermal storage and hydrogen in real-world scenarios.”

local startup

Kelly Howie, Sandia business development manager, said the institute's DOE Boost platform, led by Sandia and partner FedTech, has resulted in partnerships across the United States and even close to home. The goal is to bring together national laboratories, start-ups, academia and entrepreneurs to find solutions to community-based energy challenges, especially in rural areas.

“Since 2024, we have worked with more than 15 communities across the United States and here in New Mexico,” said Howie, who works with GridFlow, an Albuquerque-based company focused on grid energy storage. named. ” Sandia Science and Tech Park and is pursuing several non-dilutive funding sources.

Howie added, “Santa Fe-based Clean Aqua Solutions is also working on water filtration and treatment using Sandia technology. They are working with Santa Fe Community College and are currently licensed “I am working in a research institute to obtain it,” he added. This technology. ”

One example of an Albuquerque-based startup that grew out of a partnership with Sandia is Advanced hCMOS Systems. The company is designing a type of ultra-high-speed camera that will allow scientists to make measurements previously thought impossible. The company was founded by former Sandia engineers Liam Kraus and Marcos Sanchez.

“While I was at Sandia, we developed several very high-speed imaging sensors,” Sanchez said last week. “They're used at Sandia, they're used at the National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, they're used at the Stanford Linear Accelerator (for fusion research)… and they're basically utilized We are now commercializing the technology to expand access to the technology, making it more accessible to universities and perhaps even private companies. ”

Additionally, there are applications that use this technology to create better cell phone glass.

“The key question is what applications will take advantage of this speed of imaging,” Sanchez said. “The shutter speed of our imagers is like nanoseconds. … The way glass breaks, the propagation of cracks in glass, we can actually use these high-speed imagers to determine when glass breaks, which It's one of those areas where you can see cracks that actually form in the crystalline structure of the glass.”

Sanchez said medical applications, military applications and combustion research could also benefit from the technology.

way to participate

Sanchez has advice for other technology entrepreneurs looking to make it big.

“If there are other companies that would like to come on board and partner with the institute,” Sanchez said, “we actually have a program called TRGR, which is a state-sponsored program out of our gross receipts tax. Companies can apply there. If they are selected, funds will be sent to the lab for projects carried out by the lab and all the great facilities that support small businesses.

Sanchez said Sandia has a suite of technologies on the board that it can license.

“So if you have a company that's interested in that, all you have to do is call Sandia's business development hotline and they'll give you a list of different technologies that they can license,” Sanchez said. “We have access to experts in the lab to help us develop that technology.”

Gibson, COO of Sandia Laboratories, oversaw the institute's efforts to partner with private organizations to commercialize products and inventions.

“Through these partnerships, this work has the potential to impact everyday lives,” he said.




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