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Accelerating innovation in Chinese medicine research

Accelerating innovation in Chinese medicine research


A pharmacist writes a prescription at a hospital in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province.Zhang Zhengyu/China Daily

An integral part of Chinese culture and tradition, Chinese medicine has played an important role in national health care for thousands of years. Traditional Chinese Medicine focuses on a comprehensive system of health care that emphasizes holistic healing and preventive care and includes treatments such as: Acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Tuina (Chinese medical massage), dietary therapy, etc.

Today, TCM is practiced alongside modern medicine in hospitals and clinics across the country, and is internationally recognized, with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine being used by practitioners around the world.

According to data from the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, under China's three-tier public hospital system, approximately 89% of secondary and higher level public general hospitals and 62.8% of maternal and child health hospitals have TCM departments or clinics. The number of outpatients to TCM medical facilities is estimated to reach 12.8 billion in 2023.

According to healthcare research institute VCBeat Research, the TCM healthcare services market is expected to reach 7.13 trillion yuan in 2026, with a compound annual growth rate of 6.2% from 2022 onwards. Experts say that modern TCM will be introduced to support the development of the expanding market. We have to build an industrial system.

“The development of traditional Chinese medicine is deeply integrated with new technologies such as big data, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence,” said Geng Funeng, vice president of the Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Association and chairman of the leading company Good Doctor Group. Collaborate with TCM's businesses across research, production and trade. “The modernization of Chinese medicine is accelerating, and scientific and technological innovation has become a new driving force for the inheritance and development of Chinese medicine.”

Good Doctor Group is committed to ensuring large-scale, high-quality production of key ingredients for its flagship TCM patented medicines, including Kanggan Granule, a leading TCM cold treatment, and Kangfuxin Liquid, which uses extracts from the American cockroach. We have embarked on a digital upgrade. Treats bleeding abdominal pain, wounds, injuries, and ulcers.

The company has invested 860 million yuan in the construction of a digital smart factory, including a large-scale cultivation facility for this insect and a production line for Kangfeng heart fluid and Kang'an granules.

Geng said that the aim is to improve production efficiency and product quality control through advanced digital technology, and compared with traditional production methods, digital smart factories have a higher production capacity for large-scale production. It added that it boasts a higher level of automation and stricter quality control.

“We employ digital means to monitor and control all aspects of the production process to ensure that all medicines meet our strict quality standards,” he said.




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