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AI Briefing: Cloud giants' AI ambitions create new partnerships and new competitive concerns

AI Briefing: Cloud giants' AI ambitions create new partnerships and new competitive concerns


It's spring, and a cloud giant is dumping heavy rain on AI's garden.

Last week, Google's annual Cloud Next event was filled with the latest in AI, from content creation and personalization to new features for enterprise adoption. But the tech giant also announced new partnerships for its ecosystem with startups like Lytics and Pantheon. This will allow marketers to use generative AI to create personalized campaigns without the use of third-party cookies. Google Cloud also announced a new partnership with Circana to help media buy data assets through Google's BigQuery platform.

Google touted expanded partnerships with agency holding companies such as Stagwell and WPP. With Stagwell, Google Cloud powers a new data clean room in Stagwell Marketing Cloud. Google Cloud also powers WPP's generative AI platform through the newly announced AI model Gemini 1.5 Pro. But overall, Google's keynote wasn't focused on advertising.

Gartner analyst Andrew Frank said after Google's Cloud Next keynote that the cloud side is trying to mix things up with ads, and he's pushing the idea that this is all part of an advertising model that monetizes traffic. He said that he might not want it in his heart. I think they're trying to be very careful about enterprise applications and non-media applications.

Lytics, a customer data platform, allows marketers to combine first-party data to find relevant audiences while also providing insights based on what customers are likely to buy and what content they're interested in viewing. You can also automate your content using Google's Vertex AI platform. This tool uses the same interest graph as the Google Privacy Sandbox Topics API.

James McDermott, CEO and co-founder of Lytics, says there are two very important data elements. What do I know about this user, and what content can I deliver that is meaningful and relevant to this user?

Competitors were actively rolling out their own updates. Namely, Microsoft announced it would open a new AI hub in London and invest its $2.9 billion in AI and cloud infrastructure in Japan. Meanwhile, Amazon CEO Andy Jas' annual shareholder letter says generative AI could be the biggest technology change since the cloud and perhaps since the internet. One beneficiary he mentioned is the cloud giant's advertising business, which has added the ability to use AI to generate and customize images, ad copy and videos.

Beyond the big three, cloud data companies are also building their own ecosystems. For example, Snowflake debuted its new Marketing Data Cloud in collaboration with a number of partners, including Snap and Braze, that help with AI, personalization, and other capabilities.

Investments by tech giants in AI startups have also attracted the attention of regulators. Last week, the UK Competition and Markets Authority published a new report outlining the key risks when tech giants restrict access to protect themselves from competition. (The CMA is the same watchdog agency that oversees the development of the Privacy Sandbox.) And on this side of the Atlantic, the U.S. Department of Justice is reportedly investigating common board members at various AI companies .

The essential challenge we face is how to leverage this incredibly exciting technology to the benefit of everyone, while preventing potential exploitation of market power and unintended consequences. , CMA CEO Sarah Cardwell said in a statement about the report.

Prompts and Products: AI News and Announcements

U.S. Representative Adam Schiff has introduced a new bill that would require AI companies to be more transparent about the content used in their underlying models. Purpose: To provide better insight into how AI models are trained and whether copyrighted material is used. Utah's governor has signed a new AI disclosure law called the Utah AI Act, which is expected to go into effect next month. Consultancy firm Slalom has debuted a new tool to help different professionals identify how they can benefit from generative AI in their daily work. Meta announced new AI chips aimed at powering internal AI workloads. Humane released a new AI device called the AI ​​Pin, but the $699 device was flooded with bad reviews. BBDO Energy and Bayer-owned skincare brand Bepanthen have debuted a new campaign in Mexico that uses AI to allow children to create cartoons representing their skin conditions.

1s and 0s: AI in numbers

A new study from Morning Consult finds that Millennial workers are more likely to use generative AI than any other generation in the U.S., including Gen Z. A new study from SAP Emarsys shows that 64% of shoppers believe AI has improved the retail experience, up from 51% last year. . A recent study from Stanford University shows that large-scale language models are more likely to treat names differently based on race or gender. An AI analysis by IV.AI found that 76% of comments submitted to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office expressed negative sentiment about AI and copyright. (See last week's in-depth article for more details on our findings.)

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