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Google employees protest as company deepens ties with Israeli military

Google employees protest as company deepens ties with Israeli military


SUNNYVALE — A group of disappointed and angry Google employees protested outside the company building Tuesday after the search giant reportedly deepened its contract with the Israeli government.

Google employees in New York City and Sunnyvale have joined the activist group No Tech for Apartheid to demand that the company cancel its cloud contracts with the Israeli military and government. They also called on the company to stop harassing, threatening and censoring Muslim, Arab and Palestinian employees. An end to retaliation against workers who speak out against Project Nimbus, a $1.2 billion cloud computing project led by the Israeli government in partnership with Google and Amazon Web Services.

Software engineer Emaan Hashim said working at Google and speaking out against the war in Gaza and supporting human rights causes should not be at odds.

Haseem said knowing that his labor is being used in war is very unpleasant for both my colleagues and myself.

Google employee Eman Hashem speaks to the media as other demonstrators protest the Gaza war and Google's cooperation with the Israeli government in front of Google's offices in Sunnyvale, California, on Tuesday, April 16, 2024. (Dai Sugano/Bay Area News) Group)

The group staged a sit-in at Google Cloud CEO Thomas Krianns' office in Sunnyvale on Tuesday morning. Marie Bachowski, a software engineer at Google, and Hashim said they both participated in the sit-in at Krianz's office. Bachovsky said a group of 20 to 30 people occupied the office but were escorted out of the building by security.

Outside Google's offices, dozens of employees wore shirts with the phrase Googlers Against Genocide emblazoned on them, putting genocide in Google's classic colors. Some handed out Free Palestine buttons, while others waved Palestinian flags. One of his billboards also called for Google's old slogan, “Don't be evil,” calling for an end to retaliation against employees who speak out against Project Nimbus.

Another sit-in was held at Google's offices in New York, and outdoor protests are taking place in San Francisco and Seattle, according to Wired magazine. Tuesday's action came a day after protesters opposed to the war in Gaza blocked two major Bay Area highways during the Monday morning commute.

The protests followed a Time magazine article that reported that the Israeli Ministry of Defense has its own landing zone on Google Cloud, providing a means of storing and processing data and accessing AI services. Ta. The agreement, dated March 27, also gave the Israeli government a 15% discount on consulting fees.

On April 8, a Google spokesperson told the magazine that their work is primarily for civilian purposes. This is the first time that the Israeli Ministry of Defense has been revealed as a customer of his Google Cloud. A Google spokesperson could not be reached for comment Tuesday afternoon.

I didn't join Google to use the technology I'm building for military purposes,” Vachowski said during the protest. “I also didn't join Google to have my salary covered by technology and military contracts.

This isn't the first time Google employees have protested against their employer or Project Nimbus. In December, hundreds of people marched in San Francisco, protesting contracts with the Israeli government, with about a dozen lying under white shrouds with the word genocide written in Google's trademark colors.

In 2018, Andy Rubin, who spearheaded Google's Android operating system, was asked to resign over sexual misconduct allegations and received a $90 million severance package. Thousands of Google employees around the world have resigned over the company's handling of sexual harassment. The following year, Google employees staged another sit-in at multiple offices to protest allegations of retaliation against employees who had organized previous walkouts. That same year, Google banned forced arbitration for directly hired workers following an employee pressure campaign.

Al-Awdah: Noura Khoury, a kindergarten teacher and community organizer with the Palestine Right of Return Coalition, joins Google employees who are risking their lives to protest and demand that technology not be used to help. He said he felt proud and honored to be there. war in Gaza.

Google is known for its culture of openness, human rights, fairness and justice, and we only seek to uphold our own values ​​of doing no harm, doing no evil, and doing what is right, Khoury said. Told. And we really want to support them in doing the right thing.

Google employees and other demonstrators protesting against the war in Gaza and Google works with the Israeli government in front of Google's offices in Sunnyvale, Calif., Tuesday, April 16, 2024. (Daily Kanno/Bay Area News Group)

A man holds an Israeli flag as Google employees and other demonstrators protest the Gaza war and Google working with the Israeli government in front of Google's offices in Sunnyvale, California, on Tuesday, April 16, 2024. (Daily Kanno/Daily Kanno/ Bay Area) News Group)

Google employees and other demonstrators protesting against the war in Gaza and Google works with the Israeli government in front of Google's offices in Sunnyvale, Calif., Tuesday, April 16, 2024. (Daily Kanno/Bay Area News Group)

Google employees and other demonstrators protesting against the war in Gaza and Google works with the Israeli government in front of Google's offices in Sunnyvale, Calif., Tuesday, April 16, 2024. (Daily Kanno/Bay Area News Group)

Google employees and other demonstrators protesting against the war in Gaza and Google works with the Israeli government in front of Google's offices in Sunnyvale, Calif., Tuesday, April 16, 2024. (Daily Kanno/Bay Area News Group)

Google employees and other demonstrators protesting against the war in Gaza and Google works with the Israeli government in front of Google's offices in Sunnyvale, Calif., Tuesday, April 16, 2024. (Daily Kanno/Bay Area News Group)

Google employees and other demonstrators protesting against the war in Gaza and Google works with the Israeli government in front of Google's offices in Sunnyvale, Calif., Tuesday, April 16, 2024. (Daily Kanno/Bay Area News Group)




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