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IKEA UK and Ireland continues fulfillment transformation with opening of first distribution center in Ireland — Retail Technology Innovation Hub

IKEA UK and Ireland continues fulfillment transformation with opening of first distribution center in Ireland — Retail Technology Innovation Hub


The opening of Ireland's first IKEA distribution center will greatly benefit customers through faster and more reliable deliveries, said Jacob Bertilsson, Country Customer Fulfillment Manager for IKEA Ireland and the UK. I am.

This is a significant step in our ambitious expansion plans across Ireland. We remain committed to and continue to invest in the future of our brick-and-mortar stores in Dublin, but also our full-size stores, planning and ordering points, and online.

This new distribution center will significantly enable this by increasing product availability and reducing lead times.

The opening in Dublin comes almost a year after IKEA opened a 452,000 sq ft customer distribution center in Dartford, Kent, creating 300 jobs and creating almost 100 new jobs a year across London and the South East of England. It has the capacity to deliver 10,000 orders.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

The new building is being touted as one of the most sustainable and energy efficient logistics facilities in Ireland. It has a Building Energy Rating (BER) of A2 and includes features such as rainwater harvesting and roof-based solar panels.

IKEA is also moving towards its own zero-emission delivery service, which, together with locating distribution centers closer to customers, will significantly reduce CO2 emissions and make deliveries more sustainable.

From today, customers with a Dublin Aircode will receive home deliveries in a zero-emission vehicle.

IKEA has committed to ensuring that all deliveries to customers across Ireland will be made exclusively by zero-emission vehicles by August 2025.

As a first step towards this goal, 17 electric vans will deliver goods across the country, doubling the number of zero-emission vehicles by August 2025.

Currently, two zero-emission vehicles will be based in Cork, two in Athlone, four at the Ballymun store and nine at the new distribution

These 17 zero-emission vans will replace diesel delivery vehicles, saving an estimated 283,000 liters of diesel per year, which equates to a reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of 750 tonnes per year.

IKEA has established an extensive electric vehicle charging network at its distribution centers, consisting of three fast charging points for quick replenishment and 20 overnight charging points for a full charge.

IKEA's 8MW wind farm near Manorhamilton, County Leitrim, will also help the retailer move to zero-emissions deliveries and use 100% renewable energy to power its distribution center and IKEA flagship store in Ballymun, Dublin. support.

The wind farm is expected to produce around twice the amount of electricity needed for the new distribution center and Ballymun store.

Additionally, to secure even more renewable energy for the future, the company's investment arm, Ingka Investments, has invested in a portfolio of 10GW of offshore wind projects in Ireland and the UK.

The opening of this new distribution center demonstrates not only our desire to be more accessible to customers in Ireland, but also our commitment to sustainability and innovation, said IKEA Ireland and UK Deputy Chief Executive. said Marcia Smith, Managing Director.

We are committed to complying with the Paris Agreement and limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels.

By moving to zero-emissions shipping and installing energy-efficient distribution centers, we are doing our part to protect the planet and taking another important step toward becoming a climate-forward company.

The facility is operated by Wincanton, a logistics company and long-time IKEA service provider.

James Wroath, CEO of Wincanton, said: We are excited to mark this important milestone in IKEA's expansion in Ireland. You will benefit from our unparalleled expertise and proven operational excellence in electronic fulfillment.

The opening of this new state-of-the-art distribution center on the outskirts of Dublin further strengthens our partnership, which is focused on the common goal of meeting the needs of IKEA customers faster than ever before.

Delivery will be made by XPO Logistics.

Dan Myers, Managing Director, UK and Ireland, XPO Logistics said: This is a major milestone in an important market for IKEA. This investment is a sign of IKEA's confidence in Ireland.

As a long-term partner, we are committed to working together to create a better daily life for more people that is sustainable and consistent with a combined commitment to the environment.




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