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Galaxy A35 5G hands-on: Samsung's new budget phone doesn't feel cheap

Galaxy A35 5G hands-on: Samsung's new budget phone doesn't feel cheap


The Galaxy S24 may have grabbed all the attention earlier this year, but Samsung hasn't ignored its wallet-friendly A-series line. The new Galaxy A35 5G, which goes on sale in the US on April 18th for $400, feels like a promising option for anyone looking for an Android phone with a big display and a big battery to back it up. . The company had previously announced this phone, but has just confirmed the US release date.

The Galaxy A35 5G's large 6.6-inch screen sets it apart from competing low-cost options made by Apple and Google. However, Samsung's phone has compromised in other ways to achieve its $400 price. Unlike the $429 iPhone SE or $499 Pixel 7A, for example, the Galaxy A35 5G doesn't run on the same processor as other premium phones released around the same time.

But for people who just want a simple, affordable Android smartphone with a large screen, it's probably good enough. If you have a chance to use the Galaxy A35 5G for a long time, you will understand.

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The first thing you'll notice about the Galaxy A35 5G, especially if you have the purple version, is its design. The phone is available in two colors: lilac and navy, with the lilac version appearing to have an iridescent glow. When light hits the back of your phone at a certain angle, it creates a rainbow-like effect. It's a nice touch that gives an ordinary-looking phone some extra personality, but most people would probably cover it up with a case.

The Galaxy A35 5G's 6.6-inch display may not sound like much, especially when compared to other Samsung smartphones. However, it is noticeably larger than other high-profile phones in a similar price range from Samsung's competitors.

Samsung Galaxy A35 5G

Lisa Yidishko/CNET

That includes the 6.1-inch Google Pixel 7A, which I praised last year for its excellent camera and similarities to the Pixel 7. The third-generation iPhone SE is even smaller at 4.7 inches. The additional screen space on the Galaxy A35 5G could help Samsung stand out, especially since Google is expected to announce the Pixel 8A soon. The screen also features a 120Hz refresh rate for smooth scrolling. This feature, once considered premium, is now available on even cheaper phones.

The Galaxy A35 5G notably packs a 5,000mAh battery, which is the same size as the battery inside the top-of-the-line Galaxy S24 Ultra. It's not uncommon for Samsung to include larger batteries in lower-end devices, as was the case with last year's Galaxy A54 5G. Still, while it's encouraging to see such a large battery in a relatively affordable device, it's important to remember that software and power efficiency also play a big role in battery life. .

The difference between the Galaxy A35 5G and more expensive Samsung phones is the camera. The Galaxy A35 5G has a 50-megapixel main camera, but lacks the dedicated telephoto camera found on Galaxy S line phones. The ultra-wide camera also has a lower resolution at 8 megapixels compared to the Galaxy S24's 12 megapixel sensor. Like other A-series phones, the Galaxy A35 5G also comes with a 5-megapixel macro camera.

I didn't have a chance to actually test the camera, but the few shots I took at Samsung's demo area looked sharp enough on the Galaxy A35 5G's screen. Samsung also says this phone can take portrait mode photos in the dark, but I wasn't able to try this in the brightly lit demo area.

The lilac version of the Galaxy A35 5G has an iridescent glow.

Lisa Yidishko/CNET

One thing the Galaxy A35 5G lacks compared to other recent Samsung phones is Galaxy AI, a new software feature suite launched in January. Samsung recently introduced Galaxy AI, which can manipulate and erase objects in photos and translate calls in real-time, to older phones such as the Galaxy S23 series. However, a Samsung representative has said that the Galaxy A35 5G will not come with Galaxy AI at launch, hinting that perhaps it will come in the future.

But it does feature Samsung's Knox Vault to physically isolate sensitive information like PINs and biometrics, which the company says is new for A-series devices. There will be four generations of Android OS upgrades, which will add three years to the seven-year support period for the Galaxy S24 family.

The Galaxy A35 5G is powered by Samsung's Exynos 1380 processor, which I felt was fast enough to quickly launch apps in the limited time I had with the device. This is another key way Samsung phones differ from Apple and Google phones. Apple's small, budget phones run on the same chip that powers the latest flagship iPhone (iPhone 13 when the third-generation iPhone SE was launched). The Pixel 7A similarly runs on Google's Tensor G2 chip, which first appeared in the Pixel 7 and 7 Pro.

At first glance, the Galaxy A35 5G stands out with its high-quality build and large 6.6-inch display. However, we'll know more about how it compares to other budget phones when we get a chance to review it.




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