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Google answers whether web hosting changes affect SEO

Google answers whether web hosting changes affect SEO


Google's Gary Illyes answered whether switching web hosting platforms can have negative consequences for rankings and SEO. This is a natural question, as migrating a site to a new web host involves multiple technical factors that can go wrong and have an immediate negative impact.

What does it take to change the host of my website?

Changing web hosts can be complicated, but if your site is a regular WordPress site, migrating to a new host is relatively easy, especially if you're using a plugin.

However, if you're already familiar with managing website databases using apps like phpMyAdmin and know how to use SFTP software, manual migration isn't too difficult.

Gary Ilyes' answer mentions doing it “by the book”, which is actually quite a bit and can be overwhelming if you've never done this before. there is.

Will changing my website hosting affect my SEO?

The questions asked were:

“My company is considering switching the host of our website. Will switching have a negative and lasting impact on our SEO rankings?”

Google's Gary Illyes replied:

“If you behave as expected, and your website is resolvable and the actual downtime is minimal, changing hosts will have a negative impact on your page's ranking in Google's search results. There shouldn't be.

Two things to note

Gary Illyes' answer assumes that your new web host is just as good as your old web hosting platform. Obviously, downgrading your web hosting can have mild to severe negative consequences.

Gary said there are two things to keep in mind:

Your website's domain is resolved Minimal downtime 1. Your website is resolvable

This is a reference to how domain names are translated into IP addresses that match where the website itself is hosted. This usually means retrieving the name server (NS) information from the new website hosting platform where your site files reside and updating it with your domain name registrar. Additionally, your A record (address record) must reflect the correct IP address for your new web hosting space (and any other entries related to email).

2. Minimal downtime

Believe it or not, it's possible for your website to be down for a few weeks, but as long as everything is exactly the same as before when you come back, your rankings won't be permanently lost. I know this from personal experience as I have been running his website for 25 years. For example, a hard drive failure on a dedicated web host, a 500 error caused by an incorrect configuration, or having to take a website offline to fix hacked files caused my There have been several times when one or another of our websites went down.

A site can be down for several weeks and then come back up, and in my experience it takes several weeks for Google to re-crawl and return all web pages to search engine results pages (SERPs).

Listen to the answer starting at the 7:58 mark on YouTube.

Featured image by Shutterstock/New Africa




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