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Juror calls Donald Trump 'very selfish and selfish'

Juror calls Donald Trump 'very selfish and selfish'


A juror in the Donald Trump silence case said she found him very selfish and not her “cup of tea.”

She was allowed on the jury as juror No. 11 over the objections of Trump's lawyers, who wanted Judge Juan Merchan to disqualify her.

“He just seems very selfish and selfish, so I don’t really appreciate that in a public servant,” she said. “I don't know him as a person; so I don't know how he is in terms of integrity. He's just not my cup of tea.”

The woman was one of five final jurors added to the jury on April 18.

Donald Trump speaks to reporters in Manhattan Criminal Court as jury selection continues Thursday, April 18, 2024. One of the jurors told the court she thought Trump was “very selfish.” Donald Trump speaks to reporters in Manhattan Criminal Court as jury selection continues Thursday, April 18, 2024. One of the jurors told the court she thought Trump was “very selfish.” Jabin Botsford/Getty Images

She made her comments about Trump during the jury selection process, when potential jurors must answer questions from prosecution and defense attorneys about their political and social background.

Trump's charges constitute a class E felony, meaning that under New York law the prosecution and defense are each allowed to “peremptorily” eliminate 10 potential jurors without having to explain why.

They then have an unlimited number of “for cause” dismissals if they can prove to the judge that the potential juror is biased.

Team Trump had exhausted their 10 challenges and so had to ask Merchan to remove the woman, arguing that she clearly didn't like Trump's “character.”

Merchan told them he wouldn't do it.

The woman is employed by a multinational clothing company. She is not from New York, is single and has no children.

During the selection process, she said she doesn't really follow the news, but sometimes reads headlines and reads clothing industry publications.

Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, is the first former president in U.S. history to face trial in a criminal case. He has pleaded not guilty to 34 counts of falsifying business records.

The prosecution seeks to prove that before the 2016 presidential election, Trump paid, or considered paying, two women — adult film star Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal — not to reveal his alleged liaisons with them.

As part of the “pattern of behavior” narrative to support these claims, prosecutors allege that a payment was made to a former Trump Tower doorman who claimed to know that Trump allegedly had a child with another woman.

Prosecutors say the National Enquirer's publisher, American Media Inc., bought the rights to the Doorman story following a deal between its then-CEO David Pecker and Trump to monitor the stories negative comments about the then presidential candidate. Trump has denied all allegations and claims he is the target of a political witch hunt.

Newsweek requested comment via email from Trump's lawyer on Friday.

Stephen Gillers, a law professor at New York University, told Newsweek that Judge Merchan had limited power to dismiss potential jurors once they had sworn to be impartial.

“A potential juror has the right to serve unless challenged for good or compelling cause,” he said. “If we allow trial judges to freely reject a juror's commitment to follow the law, we give judges too much power to shape the jury.

“Merchan's authority is quite limited. All he cared about was whether [the woman] he could be trusted to keep his oath. A challenge for cause would have required her to conclude that, despite assurances that she could, she would not do so.”

Gillers said Juror No. 11 “should have said under oath that she could set aside her opinion of Trump's character and vote based solely on the evidence and the judge's instructions on the law.”

“The law presupposes that jurors can keep their oath when they say they can. And in our experience, people honor their oath regardless of what they think of the litigants. If she was angry with Trump, she could have chosen to be less frank,” he said.

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.




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