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San Diego students show off robotics talent and innovation at world championships in Houston

San Diego students show off robotics talent and innovation at world championships in Houston


The final results of the FIRST Robotics World Championship in Houston are expected to be determined late Saturday.

But regardless of the outcome, students from nine San Diego County high schools showcased their talent and innovation this week in a competition against more than 600 robotics teams from around the world.

Poway High School's Team Spider brought 27 students to the international event. They had a strong showing, winning several games, including two straight on Friday.

The Spiders, along with two other randomly selected teams, used robots to collect small rubber rings called “notes.”

Our strategy was to have one alliance partner give us a note and the other alliance partner to help us pick up the note to score,” said one of the team's robot drivers. Cole Gikowski said.

Marshall Hammon, 17, is Team Spider's Chief Project Officer. He is working on a final checklist to prepare the robot for the competition on April 19, 2024 in Houston, Texas.

In addition to Poway High School, other San Diego County teams competing in Houston were Westview, Torrey Pines, Patrick Henry, Oceanside, Lincoln, High Tech High School, Francis Parker School and Canyon Crest Academy.

Team Holy Cows was comprised of students from various Tech High campuses across the county. The robotics program is celebrating its 20th anniversary. It has become a well-oiled machine that also creates diversity, equity, and inclusion among leadership.

Sadie Han, 17, is a third-year student at High Tech High Media Arts in Point Loma and a drive team operator.

I want to show other girls that you too can be an engineer. You can also get involved in robotics. Even if you don't think so, it's for you. This is a space that women should be in, and little girls should feel included,” Han said.

Sadie Han, 17, (front row center) is a drive team operator at Hi-Holy Cows. She collaborates with the rest of the team on the robot's strategy. Houston, Texas, April 19, 2024.

Saturday's finals will be called the Einstein Playoffs.

The top eight teams will begin the scouting process to select the teams they will play with.

This opens the door to possibilities for teams that might not have succeeded otherwise.

Teachable moments happened this week at the George R. Brown Convention Center: wins, places, shows.

After all, it's about learning. They are learning 21st century skills, soft skills, technical skills and business skills. We want them to be well-rounded players,” said Team Spider head coach Roger Dome.

To keep up with your local teams over the weekend, check this website for details and results.




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