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DVIDS – News – Redefining Readiness: USACE and ARCENT Partnership Powers Forward Operating Bases' Leap to Technology-Driven Defense

DVIDS – News – Redefining Readiness: USACE and ARCENT Partnership Powers Forward Operating Bases' Leap to Technology-Driven Defense


Arifjan Camp, Kuwait In a groundbreaking partnership at Arifjan Camp, Kuwait, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army Central, and civilian industry leaders are pioneering a new chapter in defense readiness. The alliance is propelling the military into a future where technological innovation and strategic capabilities converge, reshaping the landscape of military operations. Combining the latest technology with a durable defense ethos, this initiative sets a new standard for the future of military readiness and sustainability.

Building on this momentum, the ARCENT innovation team visited Camp Arifjan in March. As the authority responsible for the management, supply, training, and maintenance of more than 35,000 U.S. Army personnel throughout the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Levant, the U.S. Army Central Office plays a vital role. The visit highlights the dynamic partnership between military and industry leaders to improve operational efficiency and advance sustainability goals. This is all within the strategic framework of U.S. Central Command, strengthening U.S. military readiness and effectiveness, ensuring rapid power projection, and sustaining a coordinated effort to deter threats across the region. This is a testament to ARCENT's commitment to supporting the

The team was hosted by the USACE Transatlantic Expeditionary District, an organization known for its innovative approach to engineering challenges. The district recently won the 2023 Innovative District of the Year award, largely due to its adoption of Matterport 3D technology for site evaluation. Developed by the USACE Engineering Research and Design Center, this technology enables accurate three-dimensional modeling of physical space, providing significant advantages in military project planning and evaluation.

ARCENT Engineering Director Col. Christina L. Barton said:

By integrating cutting-edge technology into our strategic framework, like what USACE has implemented with Matterport 3D, we not only improve our planning and evaluation processes, but also set new standards for excellence in military engineering. You can, Burton continued. This clearly demonstrates our commitment to maintaining the readiness and effectiveness of our nation's forces and ensuring that we are able to respond quickly to any challenges that arise in our areas of responsibility. ”

During their visit, industry leaders were briefed on the features and benefits of Matterport 3D technology by Brian Johnson, Expeditionary District Engineering Director.

Mr. Johnson highlighted the critical role of innovative technology in enhancing operational capabilities and emphasized the importance of adopting new solutions to meet the evolving demands of military engineering and support.

Engineering departments are required to maximize efficiency and innovation with streamlined resources and personnel, and are tasked with closing those gaps so the USACE can continue to provide engineering support to ARCENT and the warfighter. Johnson explained that it is essential to reach out and leverage technology that can help. ARCENT and ERDC are important partners in the research and acquisition of these technologies, and this partnership allows us to take our engineering support to the next level.

Jack M. Peters, ARCENT Engineering Directorates Operational Energy Program Manager, emphasized the critical role of collaboration in achieving technical milestones.

Collaboration with ARCENT's operational energy team, private industry leaders, and the USACE will also be key, as ARCENT will build three Awarded Energy Resilience Conservation Investment Program Project. Peters said it is expected to enter service in 2024.

Formed a strategic partnership with private industry to develop the first microgrid demonstration project commissioned in May 2022, collaborated with USACE on Energy Resilience and Conservation Investment Program projects, and increased in-house design development from 15-35% of the original We provide. There has been a great collaboration from conceptual design to final design, contracting and construction.

Expeditionary District Commander Col. Mohammed Z. Rahman expressed confidence in the transformative power of renewable energy sources in military operations and emphasized the need for adaptability and resilience in modern conflict scenarios.

Alternative energy options in the theater are a great way to ensure our nation's ability to fight and win wars, Rahman emphasized. Overseas military bases are dependent on the host country's civilian power grid and are vulnerable to severe weather disasters and traditional criminal activities such as bombing and sabotage.

Our modern military requires electrical power to continue fighting during extended power outages, Rahman continued. Partnerships, especially the strong collaboration between USACE, ERDC, ARCENT, and CENTCOM, are essential to developing innovation and moving beyond traditional warfighting strategies.

The visit highlights the Army's commitment to improving operational capabilities through innovation and sustainable practices. It also showcases effective partnerships between the military and the private sector, aimed at leveraging cutting-edge technology and renewable energy to meet the challenges of modern military operations. The focus on renewable energy in particular highlights a strategic move to reduce dependence on conventional energy sources and strengthen the energy resiliency of military operations in U.S. Central Command's areas of responsibility.

Mr. Johnson highlighted the importance of energy resiliency in modern military strategy and operations and detailed the immediate benefits and broader implications of integrating renewable energy solutions into military bases.

Because today's military operates as much on electricity as bullets and bombs, it's important to prioritize electrical resiliency and redundancy, Johnson explained. These microgrid projects provide the resiliency needed to continue operations even if traditional power sources fail.

Additionally, expensive spot generators are removed from the base grid, saving operating costs and maintenance manpower. The partnership between ARCENT and USACE on these projects is expected to serve as a model for future solar panel microgrid projects across CENTCOM.

(The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Expeditionary District is a critical component of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Division, the USACE's only forward-deployed district, and provides critical project management, engineering, and support services throughout the U.S. Central Command region. In terms of providing timely and sustainable solutions, the Expeditionary District supports U.S. coalition and host nation efforts to enable partner capacity building across the theater. We provide engineering solutions and expertise and have a commitment to Always Forward (the foundation of support for the U.S. Army, U.S. Central Command, U.S. Special Operations Command, regional component forces, and allied partners).

Date taken: April 20, 2024 Posted: April 20, 2024 05:21 Story ID: 469017 Location: CAMP ARIFJAN, KW Web views: 21 Downloads: 0 Public domain




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