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Climate Cardinal plans to double scientific translation efforts with new help from Google

Climate Cardinal plans to double scientific translation efforts with new help from Google


Climate Cardinals founder Sofia Chianni took to the Planet:Tech stage at Web Summit 2022. [+] Altis Arena in Lisbon, Portugal.

Web Summit Sports Files (via Getty Images)

Climate Cardinals is a youth-led nonprofit organization that has achieved significant results with very little funding. Translated 2 million words in four years, making scientific literature more accessible to non-English speakers.

Leaders say Earth Day 2024 will be a turning point for the group, which will receive $400,000 in support from Google's philanthropic arm.

Hikaru Wakir Hayakawa, vice president and deputy executive director of Climate Cardinals, said the nonprofit will use the funding to expand its translation capacity from 500,000 words a year to a minimum of 1 million words and a maximum of 3 million words a year. The plan is to expand to include wards.

Although we have received several grants from LOral and National Geographic, among others, this is our anchor funding, says Hayakawa, who is also a fourth-year student at Williams College in Massachusetts.

We started with a budget of $500 and have operated on a near-zero budget, with volunteers dedicating their time to Climate Cardinals in between work, sleep, and study.

The word “welcome” in different languages ​​around the world


The roots of the Climate Cardinals date back to the 2000 coronavirus quarantine and to Sophia Kiana, a Virginia high school senior and hikikomori activist. The nonprofit organization is currently based in the United States and has a global network of 14,000 student volunteers in more than 80 countries.

The organization aims to educate and empower diverse young people to tackle the climate crisis by translating climate information into more than 100 languages, according to a news release.

More from FORBES Youth activist uses quarantine to create nonprofit to translate climate change information from English to other languages ​​By Jeff Kurt

Climate Cardinals is also broadening its horizons by expanding into grassroots climate education.

Leaders say funding from will support professionalism and growth. They have already hired one full-time employee with the help of and plan to hire more.

Starting in 2023, Climate Cardinals will partner with Google to use the company's AI-powered translation hub to translate important literature at a faster pace.

The nonprofit organization noted in a news release that three-quarters of the world does not speak English, yet more than 90 percent of scientific literature in the natural sciences is only available in English.

For example, the widely acclaimed Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report is officially published in six languages, which less than half of the world's population understands.

Climate Cardinal has translated IPCC reports into more than 25 languages.

Activists from the Fridays for Future movement march in Turin, Italy on April 19, 2024. [+] A protest against the inaction of world governments in dealing with climate change.

NurPhoto (from Getty Images)

The nonprofit said the initiative is about climate justice and empowering all communities, especially those most vulnerable and least responsible for climate change, to fight for their rights and adapt to environmental challenges. The aim is to give people access to the knowledge they need.

Google said in a statement that supporting organizations like Climate Cardinals is part of a broader strategy to empower individuals and organizations with the tools to drive positive action and accelerate innovation to fight climate change. .

Kate Brandt, Google's Chief Sustainability Officer, said: “Our goal is to ensure that climate solutions are diversified, expanded, and holistically sustainable, and we are committed to supporting Climate Cardinals. This funding is a step in that direction.”

More from FORBES Climate Cardinal website engages students in translating climate change information and earns community service hours Author: Jeff Kart

The Climate Cardinals continues to seek donations and volunteers.

Hayakawa hopes the recognition from will attract more supporters who want to empower the next generation of environmental leaders.

Youth-led organizations like Climate Cardinals need to be at the forefront of the fight for climate justice, because young people have the most to lose if we fail to fight climate change, says Climate Cardinals.・Chianni, Cardinals founder and chairman, added in a news release. .

Ideally, Hayakawa says the nonprofit would like to have an annual budget of $1.2 million to support 12 full-time staff members.

To ensure our work is sustainable, Hayakawa says we want to allow more teams to join full-time and offer compensation to volunteers while they are in school.




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