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More US weapons give Ukraine a chance to defeat Russia

More US weapons give Ukraine a chance to defeat Russia


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Sunday that his country has a chance of victory over Russia thanks to the new arms program for kyiv's troops, which is about to be approved by the US Congress and supported by the president Joe Biden.

The House of Representatives, despite opposition from the right flank of the narrow Republican majority, voted on Saturday for new military aid of $60.8 billion to Ukraine, with the Senate expected to adopt the measure this week, then Biden signing. .

I think this support will really strengthen the armed forces, which we need so much, which thousands of soldiers need so much, Zelenskyy told NBC's Meet the Press, through an interpreter.

Then we want to help move things forward as quickly as possible in order to get concrete help for the soldiers on the front line as soon as possible and not in six months, so that they can move forward, he said. he adds.

The United States is Ukraine's main wartime benefactor, but with approval of additional aid blocked for months in Congress, kyiv's forces have suffered battlefield losses. The fight against the Russian invasion, which has lasted for more than two years, is practically at an impasse.

After the House voted to approve aid to Ukraine, Biden said: I urge the Senate to quickly send this package to my desk so that I can sign it and we can quickly send weapons and equipment to Ukraine to respond to its urgent battlefield. needs.

FILE – A soldier prepares an M777 howitzer to fire on Russian troops, in the Donetsk region, Ukraine, April 20, 2024. (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty/Serhii Nuzhnenko via Reuters)

Gen. Christopher Cavoli, commander of European Command, told NBC earlier this month that Russia was firing five artillery rounds for every shell fired by Ukrainian forces. He warned that the disparity could soon widen without more U.S. aid.

Zelensky said in the NBC interview: “We need long-range weapons so we don't lose people on the front line because we have casualties because we can't go that far.” Our weapons are not that long range.

We need [that] and air defense. These are our priorities at the moment, he added.

Asked whether this aid would help Ukraine win the war or simply prolong it, Zelenskyy replied: “It depends on when we actually have the weapons on the ground.” … If we achieve this in six months, the process will be blocked for six months and we will suffer losses in several directions. Losses of men and equipment.

We now have the opportunity to stabilize the situation and take the initiative, and that is why we really need weapon systems, Zelensky said. Giving the United States a clear timetable for the war depends on how quickly it receives this aid. There are so many variables, so many factors.

Zelensky also responded to recent reports that former President Donald Trump, if he regained the White House in the November election, would pressure Ukraine to cede some territory to Russia in exchange for ending of the war, stating: “Rumours and different rumors, I don't believe that.”

He also expressed doubts that Russian President Vladimir Putin would accept and respect such a settlement, saying: “You can never trust Putin.”

“The strategy to end the war should not be based on the words spoken by Putin or others in his entourage, but on something very specific, very tangible in Ukraine, independent and democratic,” he said. he declared.

“I am convinced that everyone is interested in it,” he added. “All political leaders also want Ukraine to be independent, sovereign and democratic. This is of interest to both Republicans and Democrats in the United States.

Zelensky rejected complaints that the United States has invested too much money in the war and will continue to have to, saying Americans above all protect freedom and democracy throughout Europe.

The American army no longer has to fight to protect NATO countries. This is what Ukrainians do. And these are the only munitions that the civilized world provides, and I think it's a good decision, he said.

The Pentagon says it can quickly import more weapons to Ukraine once Biden signs the arms package deal.

The Defense Department said it has a network of storage sites in the United States and Europe that would send supplies to Ukraine within days.

“We would very much like to be able to accelerate security assistance in the volumes that we think they need to be successful,” Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder told reporters.




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