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Palestinian-American former Google employee fired for opposing Project Nimbus speaks out

Palestinian-American former Google employee fired for opposing Project Nimbus speaks out


The golden age of tech workers that began in 2010 seems to have gone too far, and bringing sandals, cargo pants, and personal beliefs to work is no longer the norm.

Just last week, Alphabet Google Once, known for its open culture, fired 28 employees, nine of whom were arrested for staging a sit-in to protest Amazon's $1.2 billion joint deal with the Israeli government. . The agreement to provide AI and cloud services to Israel, known as Project Nimbus, has become increasingly polarized as Israeli attacks in Gaza escalate into what one UN expert has condemned as genocide. .

Since then, Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai has remained steadfast in steering Google down a different, and perhaps less cooperative, path. Pichai wrote a blog post on April 18, warning employees not to use the company as a personal platform, fight over disruptive issues or discuss politics.

Several fired Google employees spoke about their experiences at a press conference Monday. Former employees shared their dismay at being directed to work on a project they considered unethical and vowed to continue fighting until Project Nimbus is canceled. One former employee, who remained anonymous to protect his identity while looking for a new job, said how this changed his view of what America actually values ​​as a nation. He spoke openly about it. Oreo (pseudonym), a Palestinian-American with family in Gaza, explains how the shakedown and subsequent layoffs changed the idea of ​​inclusivity in the workplace.

Despite common mantras such as “bring your heart and soul to work, and companies X and Y value discussion and diversity,” opinions at work can come back to hurt you. “I just learned that,” he said.

Oreo claimed that he never participated in the sit-in that was the issue surrounding the shooting incident. He said he briefly entered the building to meet with protesters and take a group photo, but then left and never returned to the building. Oreo added that he has never had any issues with security. He was peacefully chanting and holding a placard near a bush, not near the sidewalk or office where the protest actually took place, he said. Still, he said Oreo received an automated email notifying him of his termination, with no questions asked and no way to explain his situation.

I'm not naive, Oreo said, pointing out that companies recognize the need to increase productivity and demonstrate value to shareholders, sometimes more than to employees. That's why he was so careful, he added, explaining that he didn't feel he had a right beyond being treated fairly within the law.

I had no problem with Google not listening to me or taking action. I wish they had, but I didn't expect them to. But firing me for dissenting opinions was not my idea of ​​what an American workplace should be, much less what a company motto of “do no evil” should be. he said, citing the company's previous guidelines.

A new statement from protest organizer No Technology for Apartheid claims that 20 more Google employees have been fired, bringing the total number of laid-off Google employees to around 50. .

We continue to investigate the physical disturbance in our building on April 16th, and we are continuing to investigate the physical disturbance in our building on April 16. We looked at additional details provided by the employee, whose identity we took some time to identify. A Google spokesperson said it was involved in the disruption. A spokesperson explained that the lawsuit is now closed and that the company has carefully confirmed and reaffirmed that everyone who was fired was personally and conclusively involved in the sabotage within the company's buildings. claimed to have done so.

Google cited earlier statements from Fortune that claimed the protests were part of a long-running campaign by organizations and people who don't primarily work at Google, and that participants disrupted the work of other employees. The company also claims that the Nimbus project is not intended for highly sensitive classified workloads related to weapons or intelligence, or for military workloads. The Technical Agency for Apartheid does not refute these statements.

Nevertheless, the rug seems to have been pulled out from some employees. Oreo says he feels as if he was led to believe that Google is a company with a culture of open dialogue. After seeing many executives at Google, including Mr. Sander himself, passionately express their opinions and feelings at work on October 7th, I was encouraged to express my opinions at Google as well. Yes, he said. It makes sense because peaceful expression of opinion is the essence of what America stands for and what Google is committed to representing America.

Oreo said this openness has made him feel more comfortable speaking out, and that he is following their lead and hopes this is the exception he and his fellow Americans should expect from the company. added. He also explained how being fired at Google not only affected his own employment situation, but also how he views America as a nation.

This event shocked me more than others, he said, explaining that as a Middle Eastern immigrant, he had always wanted to escape the tyranny and one-man show of the Middle East and start a life in America since he was a child. . The state is the ultimate haven for those who work hard and seek freedom and equality.

But I was going for a reality check, he says.

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