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New US military aid package for Ukraine expected to amount to around $1 billion

New US military aid package for Ukraine expected to amount to around $1 billion



The Biden administration is preparing a new aid package for Ukraine that is expected to amount to about $1 billion, several sources familiar with the matter told CNN, and is expected to be approved by President Joe Biden after the Senate will have adopted a new bill on the financing of foreign aid as of Tuesday afternoon.

In congressional briefings in recent weeks, administration officials have indicated that the United States will likely send long-range ATACMS, or Army Tactical Missile Systems, to Ukraine for the first time. times under the new aid package, three of the sources said.

Last fall, the United States first sent Ukraine the medium-range variant of the ATACMS missile system, which can reach about 100 miles, while the longer-range version can reach 190 miles.

Ukrainian officials have asked the United States, both privately and publicly, for the long-range missile to target deeper behind Russian lines. U.S. officials resisted, citing Moscow's supplies and provocation as excuses.

But U.S. officials have described the situation on the Ukrainian battlefield in increasingly dire terms in recent months, as U.S. aid stalled due to congressional impasse over the request for $60 billion in additional funding from the administration.

CIA Director Bill Burns said earlier this month that Ukraine could lose the war by the end of this year without U.S. support, and the top U.S. general for Europe, General Chris Cavoli, commander of EUCOM, told Congress that the Russians have such an advantage in artillery ammunition that they will soon outnumber the Ukrainians 10 to 1. Generally speaking, Russia has retained a significant quantitative advantage over Ukraine in terms of munitions, manpower and equipment, a NATO official said earlier this month.

Sen. MarkWarner, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told CBS Face the Nation on Sunday that he hopes ATACMS missiles will be sent to Ukraine by the end of next week.

This should have happened six months ago. The next best time is now. This week we saw the Ukrainians overperform if you take a step back and think about the fact that for most of my life most of the U.S. defense forces have been focused on Russia, Warner said. By getting this additional equipment as quickly as possible, I hope that when this reaches the President by Tuesday or Wednesday, these expeditions will literally be launched with this longer range ATACMS.

The package is also expected to include munitions that Ukraine desperately needs, including air defense and artillery munitions, Bradley fighting vehicles and demolition weapons, the sources said.

The text of the legislation passed by the House and required to be approved by the Senate requires the administration to transfer the coveted longer-range ATACMS as soon as possible, unless the president determines that doing so would be detrimental to security interests. national of the United States.

The military aid will come from America's own stockpiles through a financing mechanism known as the Presidential Withdrawal Authority, or PDA, and will be the first PDA program for Ukraine since March. It will, however, be significantly larger than that program, which was worth only about $300 million that the Pentagon was able to scrape together through savings elsewhere in the department.

A White House official declined to comment on the contents of the PDA, except to say that the United States is prepared to quickly send military aid to Ukraine to meet its urgent battlefield and defense needs. air as soon as the additional text has been adopted by the Senate and promulgated. .

U.S. European Command is currently working to process the weapons so that once aid is approved by the Senate, it can arrive in Ukraine as efficiently as possible, officials told CNN. Once funding is approved, the Pentagon can begin moving aid within a week or two, Celeste Wallander, assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs, told lawmakers earlier this month.

This story has been updated with additional information.




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