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Plug and play 2024: Innovation in supply chain management becomes more widespread

Plug and play 2024: Innovation in supply chain management becomes more widespread


If a person in the Dallas metropolitan area is preparing dinner and needs a specific spice to complete a recipe, Walmart can use a drone to deliver it in just 10 minutes. If only the Cowboys offense could attack with that much precision and speed.

This spicy anecdote is further evidence that artificial intelligence, drone delivery, robotics, self-driving cars, smart data analytics, and other technologies are transforming the entire retail supply chain.

Cosmetics giant Coty has improved its inventory with innovation from startup BOPS, significantly reducing overstock and markdowns. PepsiCo is investing in smart packaging and 2D product smart labels that increase transparency between brands and end users and also help improve traceability and visibility across the supply chain.

The human-like robots developed by Apptronik can be used to fill vacant positions in a variety of manufacturing, logistics, and retail workspaces. The robotic system, developed by Wal-Mart's Alert Innovation, can pick up 40 individual grocery and consumable orders in five and a half minutes. Gatic's self-driving trucks are on local roads, transporting refrigerated food between Tyson Foods' distribution and storage centers in Springdale and Rogers.

Find lost trailers, new barcodes Another GentLogs technology helps suppliers like PepsiCo and Bayer find trailers lost due to theft or miscommunication. Gentlogs applies AI to a national network of road sensors and commercial and open source datasets to track every truck and equipment on the road, giving shippers and freight brokers access to unlimited real-time capacity. will do so.

Supply chains continue to be challenged by uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, but technology can help companies better manage the challenges, said John Phillips, PepsiCo's senior vice president of customer supply chain. He said that it was being reset. Phillips made the comments Thursday (April 25) at the 2024 Supply Chain Trends & Expo, sponsored by Plug and Play and the University of Arkansas, and held at Momentary in Bentonville.

Phillips said changes are being made to retail barcodes that have been used for 50 years. PepsiCo believes there is an advantage in being the first adopter of the new HE GS-1 Smart HE code to replace traditional one-dimensional barcodes. PepsiCo is one of his 80 companies and his more than 1,000 brands to be early adopters of two-dimensional codes. He said the amount of data that can be shared with consumers and within the supply chain with the new GS-1 will be huge for companies looking to market their brands, track all products in their supply chain and, for example, reduce losses due to accidents. He said it would be an advantage. Recalls that are easy to identify.

Walmart Technology Example Walmart supply chain officials also participated in a panel discussion about the do's and don'ts of startups looking to collaborate with the retail giant. Padmini Pagadara, director of emerging technologies for Walmart stores, said the company focuses on problems that arise from improving out-of-stock issues to finding ergonomic ways to unload trucks into backrooms. He said Walmart works with startups to help solve specific problems when it's faster and more feasible than innovating solutions in-house.

Cheyenne Stone, director of transportation engineering at Walmart, believes that transparency is critical and that startups that can effectively communicate how they will address problems and make assumptions while under-promising and over-delivering He said you can find partners at Walmart. She said third-party startups need to get prototypes and discuss timelines and roadmaps to get the job done.

Santos Cerda, Walmart's director of innovation and automation, said transparency and a willingness to work with Walmart on developing prototypes is important. He said partners don't need to have all the answers to get started, but they do need to be willing to trust their beliefs and be proactive in finding the right solutions.

Josh Safran, director of Plug and Play in Bentonville, said his team is working with Walmart and other partners to match startups with industry leaders who express a need. He said he is working with Walmart and can act as a go-between for startups that want to partner with industry giants like Walmart, Tyson Foods and J.B. Hunt.

Pratibha Rajashekar, head of automation and innovation at Walmart, joked that she would deploy an Uptronic robot if it could make her breakfast, lunch, and dinner and fold her laundry. . Mr. Rajashekar detailed how innovation benefits Walmart, its 2.2 million employees around the world, and its 225 million customers each week.

He said Walmart is using artificial intelligence to better predict demand and determine purchasing levels and where to store products near consumers. It also takes into account external factors such as demand spikes, weather, and social media data.

Rajashekhar said Walmart is also using advanced robotics to automate storage and retrieval at its distribution and marketplace fulfillment centers, such as the one attached to Store 100 in Bentonville. . Walmart is also considering cleaner options for its transportation fleet to meet its zero-emissions goal by 2040. Walmart's commercial trucking fleet has 15,000 drivers who drive 1 billion miles annually, she said. Walmart uses an application that reduces travel miles through a digital routing AI platform that it also sells to other carriers.





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