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Intel India PC Director Akshay Kamath unpacks the AI ​​revolution in personal computing

Intel India PC Director Akshay Kamath unpacks the AI ​​revolution in personal computing


The emergence of AI PCs represents a dramatic departure from traditional computing paradigms that integrate dedicated AI acceleration capabilities across CPU, GPU, and NPU architectures. Kamith explains how this technological leap will give users real-time AI capabilities, making it easier to perform tasks on personal devices that were once relegated to the realm of science fiction. .

From simplifying everyday tasks like transcribing conference calls to unlocking the creative potential of content creation with AI-driven image and video editing, the possibilities with AI PCs are endless. Kamith highlights Intel's collaborative efforts to work with more than 100 independent software vendors to accelerate workload integration with more than 300 AI acceleration features customized for AI PCs.

In this exclusive interview, Akshay Kamath, PC Client Category Director, Intel India, sheds light on the revolutionary advances brought about by the advent of AI-powered personal computers (PCs). For a glimpse into the future of computing, Kamath delves into the intricacies of Intel's latest innovation, his AI PC, and its transformative potential.

Additionally, Kamath highlights the unparalleled enhancements offered by Intel Core Ultra processors compared to previous generations, highlighting significant leaps in performance, efficiency, and AI capabilities. From adopting cutting-edge Intel 4 process node technology to integrating the Foveros 3D package and Intel Arc GPU, Intel Core Ultra processors redefine client processor benchmarks and set new standards for efficiency and power.

PD: What is AI PC and what are the benefits of AI PC?

Akshay Kamath: AI PC is a new generation of personal computers that integrate dedicated AI acceleration capabilities across the CPU, GPU, and NPU (Neural Processing Unit). The new NPU is a specialized accelerator designed to process low-power AI and ML tasks directly on your PC, rather than sending data to the cloud for processing. GPUs and CPUs can also manage these workloads, but NPUs excel at low-power, sustained AI computations. Intel is collaborating with over 100 independent software vendors (ISVs) on over 300 features and workloads to help enable new AI experiences on AI PCs powered by Intel Core Ultra.

There are currently multiple use cases that users can work on. For example, you can summarize meetings, presentation materials, emails, transcripts, chat history, or even overcome complex tasks such as removing backgrounds from images or separating instruments in audio tracks individually. Masu. You can also create layers and generate images based on text prompts with just a few clicks. Intel's latest processors also power content creation, turning tasks that take hours, such as removing objects from photos and videos, into tasks that can be completed in just minutes with a few clicks. AI PC is more than just a category; it represents a transformative change in computing. This generation of Intel Core Ultra heralds the era of AI PCs. Intel plans to extend AI to over 100 million PCs by 2025.

PD: How is the AI ​​PC ecosystem evolving?

Akshay Kamath: Intel is at the forefront of the AI ​​PC revolution, integrating advanced AI capabilities into the PC platform. When we announced our first AI PC platform, Intel Core Ultra, in December, there were already a number of consumer applications integrating AI capabilities, including Audacity and GIMP. Since then, more software vendors have incorporated his AI capabilities into their applications. We also have an AI PC Acceleration Program that provides both software and hardware vendors with the resources and necessary tools to integrate AI into their products as efficiently as possible. We're working with over 100 ISVs and over 300 AI acceleration capabilities to bring artificial intelligence (AI) to over 100 million PCs by 2025.

PD: How will AI unlock new experiences?

Akshay Kamath: Access to AI is democratized, not only thanks to the widespread adoption of Intel-powered AI PCs, but also the widespread integration of AI into software across a wide range of use cases, from simple things like transcription. We can already see that it is happening. Conference calls for complex things like removing backgrounds from video files. There are several other uses he uses for generative AI, such as generating images using text prompts, separating individual instruments and vocals within a music track, and summarizing documents, all of which can now be done on an AI PC. Over time, AI will become more pervasive across computing environments.

Intel's vision is to deliver the best possible features tuned at the platform level to deliver exciting new user experiences while preserving battery life and system responsiveness. From the PC/client to the edge, only Intel has the hardware and software capabilities, and the breadth of partners, to realize this vision. NPUs address the need for highly efficient, high-performance, persistent AI inference for collaboration, content creation and consumption, productivity, and future OS needs.

PD: What is the difference between an AI PC and a traditional PC?

Akshay Kamith: AI PCs are differentiated from traditional PCs by integrating dedicated AI acceleration capabilities across the CPU, GPU, and NPU architectures. Intel's Core Ultra processors demonstrate this with advanced AI capabilities and power efficiency, allowing users to run AI workloads directly on their devices without relying on cloud processing. This represents a major shift in the computing paradigm and provides real-time AI capabilities to consumers. Additionally, software plays a vital role in enabling his AI PC, and Intel has collaborated extensively with over 100 independent software vendors to create over 300 features and functions customized for the AI ​​PC. We are developing a load. AI PCs are more than just a product category, they represent a transformative shift in computing, with Intel's Core Ultra processors paving the way to a new era of AI-driven personal computing experiences.

PD: Are AI PCs accessible to general consumers?

Akshay Kamith: Yes, AI-powered PCs with Intel Core Ultra processors include Acer, ASUS, Dell, Dynabook, Gigabyte, HP, Lenovo, LG, Microsoft, MSI, and Samsung. These AI PCs will be available for purchase both online and in-store starting December 14, 2023.

PD: Intel Core Ultra enhancements compared to previous generation

Akshay Kamith: Intel Core Ultra enhancements compared to previous generations deliver significant performance and efficiency improvements. The Intel Core Ultra processor, the first chip built on the Intel 4 process node, represents the biggest architectural change in the last 40 years. Utilizing the Foveros 3D package, it boasts unparalleled power efficiency and delivers superior computing performance. Powered by Intel Arc GPU, it provides approximately twice the graphics performance compared to previous generation processors. Additionally, Intel Core Ultra leads in AI at scale, enabling an ISV experience three times that of its competitors. Comparing performance between generations, we see that Intel Core Ultra is significantly more energy efficient.

40% more energy efficient for daily activities 20% less power when browsing the web 28% less power for video calls 40% less power for busy desktops 40% less power while streaming Netflix 25% reduction in code execution energy efficiency by 2.5x with NPU compared to the previous generation without accelerators.




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