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Tech workers stand up: Organize Google's global worker walkout

Tech workers stand up: Organize Google's global worker walkout


CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — A public forum, “#MeToo and Worker Power: Building Unity at Google and Beyond,” held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on December 11, 2018, featured a global community of 20,000 employees and contractors. The inside story of the scale of the Google strike was covered. In 2018.

Sponsored by the Tech Workers Coalition and MIT's Radius, speakers and attendees examined the truth about how Google divides its workforce into contractors and workers. 2018 saw an unprecedented mobilization of executives at the technology industry's biggest companies. As the panel demonstrated, workers' demands emerged through multiple networks and a series of mutually built disputes, leading to management concessions and further sector-wide organizing.

This video covers the December 11 talk, and a full subtitled transcript is attached to the video (the 16-page transcript can be downloaded here: PDF or DOC). Lightly edited to remove pauses and meeting minutes.

Prior to the Dec. 11 meeting, far-right U.S. Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) spoke at a U.S. House hearing with CEO Sundar Pichai on Google's consumer data management practices. , called for social media surveillance of Google employees.

A month earlier, on November 1, 2018, Vicky Tardif led a worker strike at Google's Cambridge offices as other workers walked off work sites around the world. During the MIT panel, she and other employees spoke about a network of Google employees who have previously organized around common concerns, including AI and the controversial Maven drone attack that targeted China's Dragonfly project. We discussed how to revitalize it.

There were several controversies at Google throughout 2018, but Tardif said the decisive event leading up to the walkout was when former Android project head Andy Rubin received a $90 million gold parachute. It was an article in the New York Times in October 2018. Accusations of sexual misconduct.

Mr. Tardif spoke about the challenges of international organizing, such as the differences in labor conditions in other countries. He also talked about how Googlers overseas viewed projects like “our” Maven for the U.S. military in a very different light than U.S.-based executives. Fighting forced arbitration in employment contracts, which is illegal in some countries where Google operates, has been another hotspot for labor organizing.

In discussions with attendees, recruiters from other companies noted that the exact same policies Google employees were looking for are now standard policies elsewhere in the industry. It was pointed out that candidates are informed. This shows that making clearly defined demands as a group can shape the direction of the entire technology industry.

Additionally, contingent workers, vendors, and contractors (TVCs) who work at Google face precarious employment conditions. Although TVCs play many important roles and make up about half of the workforce, they could not make demands on management without facing immediate risks to their jobs.

Related: Unicorn Riot covers “Technology Won’t Build It” panel held at MIT on July 11, 2018, and discusses how contracts and other enforcement technologies with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Department of Homeland Security focused on organizing workers against the

Six months after the strike, on May 1, 2019, Google employees staged sit-ins at offices around the world to protest retaliatory policies by management. The Google Walkout for Real Change project collects stories of executive retaliation.

Excerpt from additional reports on organizing employees at Google:




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