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Innovations impacting all NASA missions: Improving how systems are designed

Innovations impacting all NASA missions: Improving how systems are designed


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John F. Kennedy set the tone for NASA culture in 1961 with his famous speech about going to the moon. “We choose to go to the moon not because it is easy, but because it is difficult.” Because that goal helps organize and measure the best of our energies and skills. Because the challenge is one we are willing to accept and one we do not want to postpone.

That culture has endured across NASA's diverse range of missions. Innovation is necessary to continually try the difficult or near-impossible. Innovation is not only about what we do, but also how we do it. With the goal of improving the way NASA employees do systems engineering, the Systems Engineering (SE) Technical Discipline Team (TDT) works with various facets of the NASA workforce to more effectively innovate the way they work. I did. Over the past year, three diverse teams have explored how technical standards are imposed, improved understanding and integration risks (cost, schedule, technology), and reduced project risk by better managing high-volume growth. and moved toward that goal by moving SE. Toward the model-based digital realm. A summary of each team's efforts is as follows.

a). MBSE has been applied to help build his ExMC, which will push the boundaries of space medical systems to care for future astronauts. b). The proposed Mars sample return mission development project would benefit from the use of the NASA-approved ANSI/AIAA standard “Mass Properties Control for Space Systems.”

ExMC: System analysis and integration using MBSE

NESC SE TDT partners with the Human Research Programs Exploration Medical Capability (ExMC) Element ( through the Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Infusion And Modernization Initiative (MIAMI). did. exmc) at JSC. ExMC adopted SE principles and tools (MBSE and systems modeling languages) to develop the initial architecture and requirements for future exploratory medical systems. MIAMI supports MBSE modelers working with ExMC, monthly NASA MBSE Community of Practice (CoP) meetings dedicated to addressing ExMC's needs, and his MBSE infrastructure of available/required government agencies. By providing this, you are supporting the work of ExMC. In return, MIAMI will receive modeling lessons, feedback to his MIAMI leadership team on available MBSE resources, and data necessary to communicate MBSE successes and challenges to SE TDT peers. This partnership extends to ExMC, SE TDT, and the larger NASA MBSE community. With support from MIAMI, ExMC will design system models, develop model management plans, better define MBSE recruitment and training needs, provide mentorship to junior modelers, and develop ideas that push the boundaries of model use. Developed.

In return, the MBSE community received sample model architectures, updated model management plan templates, and valuable discussions at the MBSE CoP where ExMC presented ideas not previously considered. Ideas include what makes a good system modeler, how to manage model configuration, and using models with non-modeling tools. Notes from all of these lively and well-attended CoP discussions can be found on the NASA Engineering Network MBSE website ( Beyond this, his ExMC opinion on what is needed to grow the NASA MBSE community and capabilities (such as modeler skill sets) informs his MIAMI recommendations for NASA's digital transformation initiatives. We will continue to provide this and make it a reality.

For more information, contact Kelly McGuire at [email protected].

NASA/JPL: An enterprise approach to mass property management

In August 2019, a team of NESC and NASA subject matter experts (SMEs) released a report on mass gain. This includes recommendations for beginning the development and maintenance of an expanded mass gain database as an agency resource and mass characterization of programs and projects based on NASA-approved ANSI/AIAA S-120A-2015. It included reforms to estimation, management, and reporting methods. [2019] Standard, mass property control of space systems. The goal is to benefit from a more common approach across NASA in mass gain management and control, and the use of common terminology between NASA centers and their contractors. Historical mass growth data is consolidated in one place to help programs and projects establish mass growth allowance (MGA) factors and mass margins above MGA, eliminating the risk of volume issues and potential cost overruns. It can be reduced. To date, NESC recommendations have resulted in significant changes to mass management and control requirements and recommended best practices at JPL and other NASA centers. Beyond center-level activities, NESC has been working with the Office of the Chief Financial Officer to promote the use of ANSI/AIAA standard terminology and calculations in future data collection for the Cost Analysis Data Requirements document mandated by NPR 7120.5. I did.

For more information, contact RobertShishko at [email protected].

HALO: Modern application of design and construction standards

The NASA Technical Standards Process Improvement Pilot Activity, initiated by the Habitat and Logistics Center (HALO) project, aims to: 1) move requirements management from document-centric to data-centric (database)-centric to help NASA impose and manage technical standards; We aim to improve the way we do this. 2) incorporate important attributes into the database to streamline applicability, coordination, and information management; 3) Provide technical recommendations regarding acceptable approaches to evidence of compliance. This initiative addresses fleet leaders on how to streamline standards implementation, evaluation, and long-term validation processes while improving resource allocation based on mission risk.

NASA technical fellows participated in this review and provided critical input and assistance in evaluating the design and construction (D&C) criteria for the HALO project. This approach involved shredding the requirements document to create a database of individual requirements with fields describing the type of requirement and compliance approach. Overall, the pilot activity is an important first step in properly evaluating and communicating D&C standards to NASA contractors and partners. NESC's Systems Engineering and Integration Small Business reviewed his HALO pilot implementation activities for managing and implementing design and construction standards. SMEs identified the strengths and weaknesses of the pilot activities and provided suggestions to improve future standard rationalization efforts.

For more information, contact Jennifer Devolites at [email protected].




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