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Google layoffs: Ex-employee's LinkedIn post describes traumatic ordeal that left my hands shaking.”

Google layoffs: Ex-employee's LinkedIn post describes traumatic ordeal that left my hands shaking.”


Google's layoffs: A recently laid-off Google employee exposed the human cost of downsizing the company in a heartbreaking LinkedIn post. In the era of advances in AI, encountering posts like this has become a nightmare for corporate employees. And now, amid reports that Alphabet's Google has opted to terminate his entire Python team, shock is spreading through the tech community and LinkedIn is abuzz with comments. A recent social media post by former Google employee Matt Hu has everyone wondering about their future.

Google layoffs: A man walks past the logo of Alphabet Inc.'s Google in front of an office building in Zurich, Switzerland (Reuters) Former Google employee shares experience with layoffs

Former employees who have worked at Google for the past two years have described the moment they learned their fate, revealing the raw emotion and shock that comes with such a sudden job loss. Matt Hu described himself as a software engineer who came from China with his H-1B visa. According to Hu, the moment he saw his Cloutop StopInstance operation being started on his company laptop, he spent the longest time in his life deciding whether his idea was right. Spent a minute.

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my hands were shaking

Hu revealed that before his unannounced layoff rocked the world, he was having a good time having dinner and watching movies with his girlfriend. I went downstairs and opened my laptop. It was 9pm. I received a strange email that said “Cloudtop StopInstance operation has been started,” he wrote in his LinkedIn post.

I suddenly remembered that I had just performed maintenance on my cloud top a few days ago. It was not a scheduled task and something bad was definitely happening. She also wrote that she decided not to believe that she was leaving the company after searching for the meaning of “stopinstance” on Momaed (Google's internal search engine) and getting results from that website. is further written.

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He said that within seconds, he was unable to access multiple sites, his laptop “restarted immediately” and he immediately received an email regarding his employment status, which made it clear what was happening. It was a great shock to him to learn that some of his colleagues, including his manager, had been laid off at the company.

Regarding the dismissal of his direct manager, Mr. Hu wrote: “He's been at his Google for almost 13 years, founded a team from the first line of code, built everything from scratch. Now he had to say goodbye to the baby. Internal access other than Gmail was restricted. I immediately responded to the email, and suddenly the whole team showed up, and people were surprised by this sudden but devastating change even in the middle of the night. We all know what that means to the team.




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