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AACC and NSF announce 12 student teams advancing to Community College Innovation Challenge Finals

AACC and NSF announce 12 student teams advancing to Community College Innovation Challenge Finals


Community college students participate in innovation bootcamp and propose STEM solutions to real-world challenges

WASHINGTON , April 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Today, the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), in collaboration with the National Science Foundation (NSF), announced that it has selected 12 finalist teams to advance to the final round. did. Community College Innovation Challenge (CCIC), scheduled for June 2024.

Now in its eighth year, the competition aims to strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit of community college students by challenging them to develop STEM-based solutions to real-world problems. It also allows students to discover and demonstrate their ability to use her STEM to make a difference in the world and put that knowledge into action.

Teams consist of 2-4 students and a team mentor who is a faculty member or administrator. The finalists will participate in his Innovation Boot Camp in June, where they will interact with entrepreneurs and experts in business planning, stakeholder engagement, strategic communications, and market dynamics. The boot camp will culminate with a student innovation poster session on Capitol Hill led by STEM leaders and Congressional officials, and a pitch presentation to determine first, second, and third place winning teams.

“Congratulations to the 2024 CCIC finalists,” said Walter G. Bumphas, AACC President and CEO. “Once again, we are inspired by the incredible level of talent and creativity that community college students display through CCIC. Together with our partners at the National Science Foundation, we are excited to help ensure that this program supports future scientists, entrepreneurs, engineers, and We are very proud to shine a spotlight on these talented future leaders.”

Some of the ideas the team presented this year include solutions to address clean water, renewable energy, HIV treatment, health care, fire protection, and assistive technology equipment. The 12 finalist schools and their projects are as follows:

Coalinga University (California) Project: Got Calcium: New Battery Innovations Coalinga University team offers green alternatives to energy storage solutions to improve cost-effectiveness, safety, and battery performance In order to do this, we aim to switch from lithium batteries to calcium batteries. Columbus State Community College (Ohio) Project: Aquavive Ripple Effect: Transforming Water Protection Aquavive is a breakthrough contamination detection buoy system that provides universally accessible clean drinking water. Combined with a user-friendly app, Aquavive promotes environmental monitoring and his STEM education with the goal of uniting communities to invest in clean water. Morris County University (New Jersey) Project: Using Molecular Solar Thermal Systems as a Solar Alternative A team at Morris County University proposes to safely and efficiently increase the world's energy supply through molecular solar thermal systems. The system is non-toxic and cost-effective and can capture light energy as heat and convert the stored heat into energy. University of Dallas (Texas) Project: Autonomous Monitoring for Fire Emergency Response (AMBER) AMBER is an early detection system that uses infrared cameras and sensors to alert farmers and local governments to fire danger. AMBER can be combined with third-party drone providers to provide rapid tracking, rapid fire response, and protection of agricultural land. Henry Ford College (Michigan) Project: Stay alert with Source Alert Source Alert is an application that connects to Internet search engines and word/image processing services to discover information sources and display them to users in real time. Source Alert helps raise public awareness of potential misinformation. Project at Houston Community College, Texas: MaxCap Supercapacitor MaxCap introduces a metal oxide and vertical polyaniline hybrid supercapacitor that offers superior performance, sustainability, and cost efficiency over current energy storage options. We provide energy storage technology solutions for the electric vehicle market. Hudson County Community College (New Jersey) Project: SEE (Sound Enabled Emplacement) SEE is an assistive technology device designed to guide visually impaired individuals to key areas of the home. Users use the remote control to activate the speaker and emit navigation sounds. This allows for safe, confident and independent movement. Itawamba Community College (Mississippi) Project: ViruShield: Next Generation Care for HIV Patients ViruShield is a subcutaneous pump that tests HIV viral load and delivers a fixed dose of medication to HIV-positive patients, improving treatment compliance and preventing AIDs. Helps prevent. Georgia State University Perimeter College (Georgia) Project: The team at Georgina Care Perimeter College aims to redesign cervical cancer screening by providing a non-invasive alternative to speculum. This alternative could make screening more accessible and impact cervical cancer mortality, especially in low-income countries. Red Rocks Community College (Colorado) Project: Bloom Buster In all 50 states, harmful algal blooms are an environmental problem that impacts human health and aquatic ecosystems. The Bloom Buster system effectively removes suspended particles, algae, and other pollutants from lake water, leading to improved water quality. University of Arkansas Batesville Community College (Arkansas) Project: IntelliCline – Smart Lamp IntelliCline is a smart lamp solution that can adjust tilt, height, and temperature to increase accessibility for people with disabilities. IntelliCline improves quality of life and builds more inclusive communities by eliminating common barriers. Virginia Western Community College (Virginia) Project: Plastic Upcycling The Virginia Western team is proposing an affordable and sustainable way to reuse plastics by developing a 3D filament printer that turns recyclable materials into reinforced filament. Masu. This filament is being used to create a special material to rebuild a local school playground.

To receive updates on the 2024 Innovation Boot Camp and winners, follow @Comm_College or visit

About AACCA The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) is the voice of community colleges across the nation, providing educational and economic opportunities to nearly 12 million diverse students pursuing the American Dream. AACC member universities are uniquely committed to access and success for all students, providing them with a path to a degree, a skilled career, and a family-supporting wage. Based in Washington, D.C., AACC helps ensure these nonprofit public interest organizations have the resources and support they need to fulfill their mission of increasing economic mobility for all.

Source American Association of Community Colleges




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