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Beyoncé's former digital director thinks your culture is meaningless

Beyoncé's former digital director thinks your culture is meaningless


Dr. Marcus Collins will headline Inventures 2024 from May 29th to 31st.

Are ping pong tables, office dogs, and casual dress codes a real “culture”?

Dr. Marcus Collins says no. The man who will be the keynote speaker at his Inventures 2024 in Calgary this May lives at the intersection of marketing and culture. During his career, he has led Beyoncé's digital strategy and award-winning campaigns for industry giants such as Apple and Nike. Collins believes that while tech companies regularly tout their culture, they often fail to live up to what they advertise.

We think of innovation as something we create, but that's simply not true. ”

Dr. Marcus Collins

No external force influences human behavior more than culture, Collins says. The better you understand it, the more likely you are to harness its power.

Collins believes the technology industry uses the word culture lightly, referring to perks and idiosyncrasies that should be related to something deeper.

A company's culture must be based on a fundamental belief system that embodies a shared understanding of truth, he said. And operationalizing these beliefs is critical to embodying the culture in everyday actions, from how employees approach their jobs to the products they create, Collins said.

We ask ourselves, how does this code, this product, this feature, or this new thing I'm adding reflect our belief system? Collins said.

For a culture to truly work, even if it means losing everyone in the company, even if it means losing your last customer, even if it means losing a lot of money. , companies must support these beliefs.

This may sound dangerous, but the bigger risk is losing sight of your company's core identity.

Dr. Marcus Collins will be the keynote speaker at Inventures 2024.

He says high-tech companies are particularly susceptible to mission drift. Mission drift occurs when a company is sidetracked by changing market trends, the lure of rapid growth, or the temptation to add features or services that stray from the company's original purpose.

“We are influenced by market dynamics and where we think there are market opportunities,” Collins said. There are always distractions. Discipline is the ability to continue on task despite what is demanding our attention.

And when things get tough, culture can tend to fall by the wayside. Over the past year, technology companies across Canada and around the world have grappled with difficult economic conditions. With funding becoming increasingly difficult to raise, investors becoming cautious and layoffs becoming more common, Collins said this is where the rubber truly meets.

“In good times, everyone feels like they're part of a greater purpose, but in bad times, all that goes out the window,” he said.

Despite the business realities that can justify tough decisions like layoffs, Collins advocates for a more compassionate approach to terminating employees. He points out that layoffs that affect tens of thousands of employees often lack the necessary humanity.

The impact of mass layoffs goes beyond just retirees. Recent data from the Angus Reid Institute found that half of Canadians under the age of 55 are worried about being affected by job loss if the economy worsens.

Mr Collins argued that mass redundancies often create a pervasive culture of fear and anxiety among remaining staff who fear for their job security. Collins says he doesn't know if there's anything more destructive to a culture than fear and anxiety.

Meanwhile, many senior leaders have adopted pay cuts to avoid staff layoffs. Collins cited the example of Columbia Sportswear's CEO, who cut his own salary to $10,000 to keep his employees on payroll during the coronavirus pandemic.

I think it can say a lot about who a company is for it to live up to its beliefs, he added.

Just as our cultural understanding is far from perfect, Collins argues that the general perception of innovation is similarly poor. We think of innovation as something we create, but that's simply not true. They are inventions, he added. Innovation is a different calculus.

To learn how companies can create a culture of innovation that inspires people to take action, watch Collins' upcoming keynote at Inventures 2024, presented by Alberta Innovates.

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