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Google Pixel 8a price has been much does it cost

Google Pixel 8a price has been much does it cost



And so the Google Pixel 8a leak saga ends just days before it was scheduled to be announced at the I/O Developers Conference. Earlier today, insider @OnLeaks (in collaboration with Smartprix) shared more marketing renderings of the upcoming budget phone with an asking price.

It looks like Google intends to charge $499 for its next phone, a base version with at least 128GB of storage. For the 256GB storage version, buyers will have to pay $599. That's the same asking price for the Google Pixel 7a, which launched last year and won praise for its impressive combination of raw firepower, camera performance, and feature-packed Pixel software experience.

The latest batch of marketing materials depicts the Pixel 8a in the familiar blue hue seen on its predecessor, ceramic-inspired white, and stealth black. There's also a new “mint” green shade, which (if you ask me) might be worth selling a piece of your soul for, or just “disgusting,” according to a Digital Trends veteran who asked to remain anonymous. That's all.


Of course, before we delve into the hardware side, here are the best parts of this phone, according to the leaks: The phone will receive seven years of OS updates, consistent with Google's efforts with its flagship Pixel 8 series of smartphones. And just in case you find yourself at the mercy of the onslaught of AI tricks, Google is generous with its services as well.

According to Android Headlines, Pixel 8a buyers will be able to access AI-assisted features such as Audio Magic Eraser in the Google Photos app to remove unwanted audio bits from video recordings. Other great features include Night Sight and Best Take. Both have been around for a while. Call Assist will be available to screen incoming calls for spam, Circle to Search will also be considered, and a Shortwave-inspired email summarizer trick will also be included.

The Pixel 8a build will be IP67 certified. This means you can confidently handle a few accidental drops into a bucket of water. The leak predicts a 120Hz OLED display and Tensor G3 chip under the hood, while a 4,500mAh battery will keep the lights on.

Another leaker, Yogesh Brar, recently shared on Twitter that the Pixel 8a's imaging system will be led by a 64-megapixel main camera and a 13MP sensor for ultra-wide capture. For selfies and video calls, Google has equipped the budget warrior with his respectable 13MP snapper.

google pixel 8a

– 6.1" FHD+ OLED, 120Hz – Tensor G3 – 128/256GB Storage – 64MP (OIS) + 13MP (UW) – 13MP Selfie – Android 14 – 4,500mAh (~) – 27W Charging

Release: May ($500-550)

What is the expected price?

— Yogesh Brar (@heyitsyogesh) April 5, 2024

The table only has two storage configurations, and fast charging goes up to 27 watts. Google is expected to open the floodgates of generative AI capabilities for Android smartphones at its annual developer conference starting May 14th. We'll also be previewing enhancements coming in Android 15 later this year.

Digital Trends will also be at the event, so stay tuned for the latest coverage and insights from Google's highly anticipated software carnival.

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