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Breaking the limits of powder-based additive manufacturing technology wins CAREER Grant

Breaking the limits of powder-based additive manufacturing technology wins CAREER Grant


Amir Mostafai, assistant professor of mechanical, materials, and aerospace engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology, has been awarded a five-year, $600,000 CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation to continue his research developing new powders for additive manufacturing. Obtained.

Over the past three years at Illinois Institute of Technology, my research team has actively investigated this idea, overcome setbacks, and tenaciously refined the scientific aspects of our proposed work, he says. This grant opens new horizons in metal additive manufacturing by introducing new types of raw materials to various powder-based additive manufacturing processes such as laser powder bed melting, electron beam melting, and binder jetting.

Research goals include enhancing powder diffusion dynamics with multimodal particles and hybrid powder dispensers, improving laser-powder interaction and microstructure control. Mostafaei said if the project is successful, it could expand material options and make production more cost-effective and sustainable across a variety of additive manufacturing processes.

The first step in a powder-based additive manufacturing process is powder production, which can be costly and energy-intensive. Compared to traditional manufacturing methods such as casting and forging, the disadvantage is that the metal alloys that can be used as raw material powder are limited.

In powder bed fused additive manufacturing, spherical powder is spread on a bed and selectively melted to create objects layer by layer. With rapid advances in additive manufacturing technology to secure domestic supply chains, interest in adopting a wider range of powders is increasing. However, common atomization methods for producing spherical powders are costly, energy-intensive, and can generate trapped air bubbles, which can affect the final build quality. Also, the powder production efficiency is less than 30%.

Mostafaei proposes a method to convert static bar stock into high-quality powder at room temperature while preserving the density, chemistry, and structure of the input material. This innovative technology employs attrition milling with a reciprocating cutter to achieve precise particle size distribution in >95% yield, producing pore-free powders in both near-spherical and non-spherical shapes. Masu. This is a new powder manufacturing method developed by Metal Powder Works. Mostafai has been working with Metal Powder Works CEO and founder John Burns since 2018, when he was a postdoctoral fellow at Carnegie Mellon University.

Additive manufacturing experts have traditionally favored spherical powders in powder-based additive manufacturing to ensure dense parts, due to concerns about reduced flowability and uniformity with non-spherical powders, Mostafai said. says. Alternative powder manufacturing methods are attractive to powder manufacturers, researchers, and additive manufacturing machine manufacturers because they can reduce costs and emissions, increase the availability of metal additive manufacturing raw materials, and promote sustainability.

Mostafai says his proposed method of using non-spherical powders in additive manufacturing could reduce costs by 50%, make it easier for the powder to pass through the spreader, reduce defects in manufactured products, and potentially expand material options. It says that there is a sex.

The innovative use of non-spherical powders in combination with non-contact powder spreaders has the potential to revolutionize the additive manufacturing industry, making it possible to produce almost any powder material used in powder layer additive manufacturing systems. Mostafai said.

Mostafai said his research team is currently working on research across all three additive manufacturing processes, making use of non-spherical powders to create complex shapes using a wide range of materials such as steel, titanium, copper and shape memory alloys. The company has succeeded in demonstrating the production of parts. .

The CAREER grant is particularly prestigious and will enable us to establish a five-year research program focused on advanced themes in materials science and manufacturing that will have a lasting impact on research, education and society. says Mostafaei.

Disclaimer: Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Science Foundation under award number 2339857. This content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Science Foundation.




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